Google issued a statement mentioning the attacks across the Internet generated from China and declaring its unwillingness to censor search results any more and indicating its decision of exiting China. Several months later, the company moved from Beijing to Hong Kong, out of Mainland China, and still has provided services to users in Mainland China, but also has faced many difficulties. This case is very typical and meaningful for foreign companies, which have willingness to launch their business successfully in China. Culture, local laws and differences between western market and Chinese market should be taken into consideration.
Case A
1. Why did Google issue the statement of January 12?
Google issued the statement to express the company’s unwillingness to tolerate censorship in China and the decision to exit from China. The Chinese government made the decision to control the information flow on the Internet and insisted on removing information from search results that it is considered politically objectionable, which leads to the insufficiency and inaccuracy of the search result. This is not what Google wants. The statement doesn’t aim at accusing of the cyber attacks across the Internet and helping users make their computers much safer, but declare that Google won’t compromise to the censorship in China any more, which violates the missions and principles of the company—To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful and do no evil.
2. Can Google take comfort from the reactions of stakeholders so far?
In my opinion, it depends on different stakeholders. For competitors, such as Baidu, there is no doubt that Google exiting from China is great news by getting rid of such a strong competitor. And also I don’t think the shareholders of the company were happy to see that, as the stock price of Google falling as low as $573.09 on January 13 comparing to $714.87 in December 2007. And cutting