Mission statement Google’s mission statement is “ To organize the world” information and make it universilly accessable and useful”(Google.com). Google has also foundeed a ten part philoshophy that they stand by. (1) Focus on the user and all else will follow. For Google this means to make the best experience possible for the user. Fast, Clean, and accurate searches are what Google is based on. (2) It’s best to do one thing really, really well. Google does searches better than anyone. (3) Fast is better than slow. This is evident in their search return times. Google believes that visitors should get what they want and as fast as possible. (4) Democracy on the web works. This has worked for Google since the inspection of BackRub. By looking at what people are linking to, it gives the Google search engine a better frame of what to show as relevent to a visitors search. (5) You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer. This is true now that Google has Google Mobile to offer searching to visitors, even though who can not get to a traditional computer. (6) You can make money without doing evil. Google does not show ads on its search results page unless it is relevent to the search. Google also
Mission statement Google’s mission statement is “ To organize the world” information and make it universilly accessable and useful”(Google.com). Google has also foundeed a ten part philoshophy that they stand by. (1) Focus on the user and all else will follow. For Google this means to make the best experience possible for the user. Fast, Clean, and accurate searches are what Google is based on. (2) It’s best to do one thing really, really well. Google does searches better than anyone. (3) Fast is better than slow. This is evident in their search return times. Google believes that visitors should get what they want and as fast as possible. (4) Democracy on the web works. This has worked for Google since the inspection of BackRub. By looking at what people are linking to, it gives the Google search engine a better frame of what to show as relevent to a visitors search. (5) You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer. This is true now that Google has Google Mobile to offer searching to visitors, even though who can not get to a traditional computer. (6) You can make money without doing evil. Google does not show ads on its search results page unless it is relevent to the search. Google also