Quality Link Building (70%)
On Page Optimization (20%) * Website Structure Optimization * Page URLs * Content Optimization
* Header and Image Tag Optimization
* Keywords Analysis
Social Media Presence (10%)
We have developed a simple search engine optimization methodology that you can use to optimize a page on your site for a single keyword phrase in Google. We have broken it up into 3 distinct phases: on-page SEO, internal off-page SEO, and then external off-page SEO. You can also download this step-by-step SEO guide as a PDF.
Before you can begin the SEO process for a keyword, you must first select the landing page you hope will rank for the phrase. In most instances, the best landing page to select for Google can be found with the following query: site:example.com keyword phrase. This will show you what page from your site Google considers to be the most relevant for the keyword. If you decide to create a brand new page for the targeted phrase, then you should utilize the keyword in the filename. Once you have selected the landing page you can then begin the following search engine optimization process.
Seo step-by-step procedure: Phase 1 – Optimize your Landing Page (On-Page SEO- 20%)
While only responsible for 20% of a site's ranking, it is still crucial to ensure on page optimization are implemented. 1. Website Structure Optimization 2.Page URLs 3.Content Optimization 4.Header and Image Tag Optimization 5.Keywords Analysis
1. Title Tags-Use keyword phrase in the Title tag. Phrase should end within first 70 characters. (
2. Meta Description-Use keyword phrase in Meta Description. Phrase should end within first 156 characters.
3. Heading Tags-Use keyword phrase in tag if there is one.[sengine know h1 is heading and h2 h3 is sub heading]
4. Body - Keyword Density -The keyword phrase should be used in the page's text-based body content at least twice. On pages