Blaise Pascal said:
If all men knew what each said of the other, there would not be four friends in the world.
Everyone gossips. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Gossip is like an extra-fudge brownie. You know you shouldn't, but you just can't pass it up.
Of course, gossip can cause a lot more trouble than a brownie. This is especially true due to the nature of the grapevine. Take a little of what was said, add some, and have it pass through a couple people's hands. Something as little as "she talks a lot," could change into "She's a moronic blabbermouth and I hate her!" 2 2 2
I have no respect for justice. I maim without killing. I break hearts and ruin lives. I am cunning and malicious and gather strength with age.
The more I am quoted the more I am believed.
I am nobody's friend. I ruin marriages. I ruin careers. I make innocent people cry. Even my name hisses. I AM GOSSIP.”
Mrs Corbett and classmates:
This eye-opening poem from an unknown author says a lot about the damage done through gossip.
Feel how soft and smooth your tongue is. It is usually locked away in the comforts of your mouth, but sometimes it comes out like a lashing sword. How can something so soft and gentle hurt so much? "Silence is golden" is probably one of the best ways to sum it up. When hearing juicy news, we need to stop, think if it will hurt or help, and do what's best.
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”
Friends, what you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth 4
Gossip is fueled by hell’s flames.
Friends, this might sound harsh but it is straight from the Scripture. Gossip is one of Satan’s fiery arrows that he shoots at us and entices us to shoot at others.
The Lord doesn’t mince words in the book of James 3:6