In the “got milk?” advertisement their slogan “got milk?” has been used in every ad they have and it implies to the message that they’re sending out to everyone which is reminding people to buy milk, for it is a necessity everyone should have on hand. The slogan is very catchy and easy to remember which makes it very persuasive. Also in they’re ad they always include a short message of why we should consume milk in our body. An example of this is the one from the “got milk?” advertisement featuring Superman. “Super. That’s how milk makes you feel. The calcium helps bones grow strong, so even if you’re not from krypton you can have bones of steel.” The short text simplifies how milk can do good for your body and that we don’t have to be a hero to feel invincible, for that’s why we should consume milk. Even though we’re not from krypton like Superman the advertisement demonstrates that we can still have bones of steel and be strong like him as long as we drink …show more content…
The viewers want to see color, for this helps the advertisement automatically catch their attention. If the image and texts are plain and dull this will just be something people may ignore which isn’t the direction that an advertisement wants to be presented. The “got milk?” text in color white stands out, for it is bold and noticeable and promotes the color of milk; whereas, Superman has been recognized for the color of his superhero suit which is red and blue. The image contrasts the white milk with the colors of Superman and the color white of the text makes it easy to see in the blue sky. This also helps the viewer see the white milk mustache of Superman, which is the main point of the ad, so we can see that Superman really drinks milk to have bones of