Men are genetically stronger and their hormonal differences lead them to commit more aggressive, violent crimes. Also, men tend to be less socialized and lack verbal skills. Because of this men tend to lean toward aggression to solve problems rather than talking to diffuse conflict (p 43.) This chapter also talks about age and that as a rule of thumb adolescents, at the age of 18, tend to commit more violent crimes than that of other ages because they are psychologically immature (p…
A variety of evidence suggests that there is considerable overlap in the “causes” of male and female crime, and that both traditional and more recent theoretical perspectives can help explain both female offending patterns and gender differences for less serious crime. The explanation of serious female crime and of gender differences in serious crime is more problematic. The social backgrounds of female offenders tend to be quite similar to those of male offenders like male offenders; female offenders (especially the more serious ones) are typically of low socioeconomic status, poorly educated, under- or unemployed, and disproportionately from minority groups. The main difference in their social profile is the greater presence of dependent children among female offenders. Female levels of offending are lower than for males. These approaches are less enlightening when differences in female and male offending patterns. For example: Why are serious crimes against property and against persons so much less a feature of female offending? Male criminal participation in serious crime greatly exceeds female involvement,…
In return I believe that such examples showcase the effect of biology on little boys and little girls. As we know men tend to be more aggressive than women. To go along with these findings, Marc Breedlove; a behavioral endocrinologist at the University of California explains that society may be just as much to blame for the gender blur. “Yes we’re born with (genetic) predispositions, but its society that amplifies them, exaggerates them. I believe that- except for sex differences in aggression. Those (differences) are too massive to be explained simply by society.” (Blum 105) Blum then goes on to talk about how biological aggression in males contributes to most crimes being committed by males. She explains that in Europe and America for every robbery…
Official crime statistics show that males are four times more likely to commit crimes than females. Victim surveys show women to be more likely to be victims of sexual and violent assaults than males. It has also been suggested there are gender differences in punishments. And therefore different people have given their explanations for the reasoning behind this. The official crime statistics show that women commit less crime than men. Men are convicted of 80% of serious crimes, and women only make up about 5.7% of the prison population. There is also a difference in the types of crimes committed by men and women; most women are imprisoned for non-violent crimes such as theft or handling of stolen goods, which accounts for 57% of known female offenders in 2002…
In order to whether the discipline of criminology has learned anything from the inclusion of a gendered perspective, this essay will outline historical criminological discourses, addressing key perspectives that differentiate men and women based on biological make-up. This essay will focus on early criminological theorists need to prove criminology as a science, ignoring social implications such as class, gender and ethnicity and their relativity to crime and victimisation. This essay will go on to demonstrate how the inclusion of gender has challenged classical malestream criminology by introducing subjective experience, illustrating how socially constructed ideals of masculine and feminine criminalities play a crucial role in understanding the gendered nature of crime and criminology.…
When women commit crime, they do so in their “roles” as women. Victims of female offenders c. Typically relatives or romantic partners Weapons of female offenders d. Kitchen instruments such as knives Rita James Simon (1975) e. Suggested that white collar crime will increase as a result of women being accepted into traditionally male dominated occupations Most women found in crime statistics tend to be poor, lower-class, and uneducated. The rise in female crime could be attributed to the women’s liberation movement. When women work outside the home in the male-dominated workforce, they are exposed to the same criminogenic factors as men. Female arrests for Index crimes increased by 121.8% between 1973 and 2010. Power-Control Model of Delinquency Suggests females commit less crime because they are more closely monitored by parents Women are under greater control and have little power so they do not have as many opportunities for delinquency. Did you ever have a sibling of the opposite sex? Were your rules and curfews the same? Social learning elements are equally applicable among males and females. Social control factors vary greatly among males and females. Females have stronger bonds with…
Many things can cause one’s criminal behavior but just to name a few: gender differences play a role in criminal behavior, as does the race of an individual, or the control a person may have upon another.…
Male crime might be shaped by masculinity. Men, according to Smart and Oakley, are socialised into ‘aggressive’, self-seeking and individualistic behaviour that may make them more disposed to…
Gender Patterns in Crime- This means that most of the crimes that are being committed are higher by males rather than females. Most of the serious violent crimes that are being committed are higher by males rather than females. This is…
In contemporary society women still commit less crimes than men but their impute to crime statistics therefore their crime committal has risen dramatically compared to where is was and steadily stayed for many years. Society and male sociologists have developed different theories and views over the years for coping with female criminal behaviour. In the 16th Century there was the demonic theory, the idea of women who commit crime or act in deviant ways as being ‘evil’ or ‘witches’ resulting in wide spread witch hunts and burnings at the steak. (Vito & Maahas, 2011). This can be seen in modern day society when female criminals are portrayed in the media. This theory links with the naturalist view of women by society; the idea that women are seen as natural care givers, mothers and nurturers and any other type of behaviour is ‘unnatural’ and feared by the greater society. Lombroso (1876) created the 'mad or bad' theory to categorise female crime, suggesting the reasoning and logic behind female deviance could only be explained as them being mentally unhinged or fundamentally bad natured and of an 'evil' disposition. This perception that women may be mad because they dared to go against their natural biological givens such as 'passivity' and a 'weakness of compliance' appears to originate from…
* There are many views and theories as to if and how gender affects delinquency. One of the major theories is the gender-schema theory which basically states that society influences create girls feminine and boys masculine and that they are expected to adhere to those gender roles. Others theorize that differences are based on traits and that it is the “interaction of biological and psychological traits with the social environment that produces delinquency” (Siegel & Welsh, p. 142). Much of this has to do with child development. Other theorists believe social factors such as family life and friendships play a major role in criminal behavior. The feminists hold that crime rates have fluctuated because of the increased role women have in today’s society .Another contributor to the debate is the power-control theory which attests that women commit less crime because men have a role as the breadwinner for the family.…
The debate regarding criminality being a result of nature or nurture has been a topic of discussion both within criminology and outside of it for decades. Criminologists brought forward theories attempting to address and explain this paradox, and explanations for crime included psychological, sociological, economical, biological reasons, amongst…
Official crime statistics show that males are four times more likely to commit crimes than females. Victim surveys show women to be more likely to be victims of sexual and violent assaults than males. It has also been suggested there are gender differences in punishments.…
More than 2 million juveniles are arrested each year with nearly 600,000 entering into juvenile incarceration. (Kapp, Petr, Robbins, & Choi, 2013) There has been a steady increase of youthful female offenders. From the early nineties up until about 2006, simple assault crimes have decreased “4% for male juveniles and it increased 19% for females” (Espinosa, Sorensen, & Lopez, 2013). “25 to 50 percent of antisocial girls commit crimes as adults (Pajer, 1998)”. "Similar risk factors may play a role in both girls' and boys' delinquency. Gender differences in underlying biological functions, psychological traits and social interpretation can result in different types and rates of delinquent behaviors for girls and boys (Moffitt,…
Biological theories of crime causation follow the principle that many behavioral tendencies, including aggression and criminality, are constitutionally or physiologically influenced. Most of the usual sociological suspect would have come from a broken or abusive home, is a part of a family below the poverty or has a parent who is convicted criminal. All of these examples support the biological theories and most of the time people living in those conditions are more susceptible to…