An issue that matters to me is the stopping of gun violence. Some facts I found is that people can buy guns at gun shows without background checks in 33 states. The gun lobby, led by the NRA, has given over $21 million to Congress since 1990 through the sales of firearms. An important one is that every 20 minutes, a person dies from gun violence in America. If guns weren’t so easy to access it would be a lot harder for these incidents to happen.
I found an interest group that believes in stopping gun violence as much as I want to, called the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence group. CSGV is consists of 47 national organizations working to reduce gun violence. The coalition members include religious organizations, child welfare advocates, public health professionals, and social justice organizations. The diversity of group member organizations allows them to reach a wide variety of grassroots areas who share the same vision of non-violence.
A group called the Gun Owners of America oppose gun control because they think guns keep people safe and are a positive thing to have in this world. They want to feel secure everywhere they go in case of an emergency. In my opinion, they aren’t as strong as the people who are for gun control and we will win one day.
Interest Group
An issue that matters to me is the stopping of gun violence. Some facts I found is that people can buy guns at gun shows without background checks in 33 states. The gun lobby, led by the NRA, has given over $21 million to Congress since 1990 through the sales of firearms. An important one is that every 20 minutes, a person dies from gun violence in America. If guns weren’t so easy to access it would be a lot harder for these incidents to happen.
I found an interest group that believes in stopping gun violence as much as I want to, called the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence group. CSGV is consists of 47 national organizations working to reduce gun violence. The coalition members include