As per the current economic structure in United States, federal and state governments are facing grave issues with funding of social security and various different entitlement programs. One of the major issue is associated with the senior citizen entitlement programs which are going to cost a lot more now as the baby boomers are soon going to become senior citizen. Furthermore, to support these entitlement program costs, there are heavily fewer younger people paying tax money. The existing workaround for this issue used by government is to tap into social security funds as a way of offsetting the huge deficits created by entitlement programs like Medicare(Rao, 2011).
In the present legal scenario surrounding the social security funds and other entitlement programs, it is not entirely feasible to call the actions of government completely legal or illegal as this would be a subject of national debate. The ultimate legality of this system in which governments are tapping funds of social security to make the entitlement programs deficit appear smaller would largely depend on the way supreme court interprets the law and power of government. However, such uses of social security funds without appropriate permission of congress. These actions of government are unethical and misleading at best and are illegal at worst.
The reasoning of such actions …show more content…
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