The three different systems of government have varying advantages and disadvantages. Unitary governments are often described as centralized governments. It is a government in which all powers are held by a single, central agency. Most governments in the world are unitary. A Federal government is one in which the powers are divided between a central government and several local governments. The United States is an example of a Federal government. A Confederate government is an alliance of independent states. A central agency has the power to handle only those matters assigned to it by the member states. The Confederate States of America was an example of a Confederate government.Unitary governments are often described as centralized governments. It is a government in which all powers are held by a single, central agency. Unitary governments have some advantages in how they operate, such as; uniform policies, laws, enforcement, and administration throughout the country, less duplication of services and fewer conflicts between national and local governments, as well as having greater unity and stability. Unitary governments also have some disadvantages with how they operate, such as; the central government being out of touch with local concerns, being slow in responding to local issues, and if the central government gets too involved in local problems it may not be able to meet the needs of all of its citizens.a Federal government is one in which the powers are divided between a central government and several local governments. Both levels of government act directly on the people through their own sets of laws, officials and agencies. A federal government has its advantages, such as; federal unity but local governments handle local problems, local governments and officials have to be responsive to the people who elect them, the central government can devote more time and energy to national and international issues, and more opportunities for participation in…