Introduction to Healthcare Delivery Systems
Prof. Tamara Phams-Clark
Phase 1 Individual Project
By: Rebecca Sullivan
27 May 2013
The Governments Role in Healthcare
Our Government has played a role in healthcare for much of our past, present, and undoubtedly our future. Public Health Service had its start in 1798 when President John Adams signed into law a bill authorizing healthcare for merchant seamen. At this time the U.S. Marine Hospital Service was created. (JAMES G. HAUGHTON, 1968) The establishment of these services was a result of the realization of the Governments responsibility for the wellbeing of the seamen serving in the merchant fleet, then the Nation’s economic life line. The next year Congress authorized the cooperation of State and Federal officers to enforce quarantine laws. In 1889 Congress established the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service. Another notable milestone in the evolution of the Government’s role in healthcare would be the passing of the Social Security Act of 1935 authorizing annual grants to the States for healthcare. The Government continued to play its part with the passing of several other legislations among the years, among these would be the National Cancer Act 1937, National Hospital Survey and Construction Programs in 1946, Water Pollution Control Act of 1948, Community Health Services and Facilities Act of 1961, Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963, Vaccination Assistance Act, the Nurse Training Act of 1964, and many more.
In more recent years the American population has become increasingly dependent on Federal assistance for healthcare. Government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid have become the only insurance coverage for many Americans as the unemployment rate has continued to grow. The lack of medical insurance can be disastrous for the stability of an economy. In response to this
Cited: Heskett, J. (2007, Mar 2). What is the Governments Role in U.S. Healthcare. Retrieved May 2013, from Working Knowledge: JAMES G. HAUGHTON, M. M. (1968). Government 's Role in Health Care Past, Present and Future . Journal of the National Medical Association. White, D. (2011, Oct 6). Governments Role in U.S. Healthcare Grows. Retrieved May 2013, from Moody 's Analytics: