Taxes are a way for citizens to support their government and paying them is a sign of being a good citizen. According to the article, Government Is Good, “ To put it another way, you can’t support the things the government does – like caring for the elderly, establishing justice, providing public education, fighting terrorism, and protecting the environment – and still maintain that the taxes that support those things are bad. Taxes are the lifeblood of government and so if government is basically good, then so are taxes” (Amy, Douglas J.). Taxes, and paying them, are thought of as an affliction, which makes most people not want to pay them, implying that they are bad citizens because of this. People should pay their taxes because it helps with the government funding that most people rely on, such as social security, providing public education, and food assistance. Without taxes, there would be fewer good citizens to help get stuff done. Taxes are a way for citizens to give back to their communities and government, while also paying to have the rights and opportunities Americans often brag about. Additionally, the article Government Is Good made the point …show more content…
of, “Taxes are our dues — we pay our dues to be Americans and enjoy the benefits of American society.
Taxes are what we pay to live in a civilized society that is democratic, offers opportunity, and has a huge
infrastructure available to all citizens.” (Amy, Douglas J.). This adds on to the fact that by paying your taxes, what you owe to the government, you are being a good citizen but to not pay your taxes would make you a bad citizen because others would have to pay for both you and them. To be a good citizen, you must pay your taxes because if you don't then others will suffer for it with their own hard-earned money and with cuts on important things like civic education and providing public service.