Question 1
Plato’s chief contribution to the study of government was: a) Identifying types of government Affirming that critical thought and reason could lead to the best type of government
Question 2
This Greek philosopher was the first to classify systems of government
Question 3
The Roman Philosopher Cicero was one of the first to articulate the idea of:
Natural Law
Question 4
In his book The City of God, _____________ argued that there was a sphere of human existence that was not subject to the government of men.
St. Augustine
Question 5
According to Machiavelli, whatever a ruler had to do to accomplish his primary goal was
Question 6
This “big ugly monster” was the title of Thomas Hobbes book on government.
Question 7
Hobbes believed that the power of the sovereign should be: Absolute
Question 8
According to Hobbes, this was the origin of government:
Social Contract
Question 9
Hobbes believed government was created to improve the state of nature by establishing:
Order & Stability
Question 10
Locke expanded the concept of _________.
Question 11
According to Locke, these existed before government, not because of government:
Property Rights
Question 12
Locke wrote that the purpose of government was to protect _______.
Question 13
Locke believed one of the best protections against tyranny was the separation of ______.
Question 14
This writer believed the people had a right, and sometimes an obligation to alter their government.
John Locke
Question 15
According to the Declaration, it was outlining certain ________ about the rights of man and the purpose of government.
Question 16
The writers of the Declaration of Independence asserted that individual rights are:
Question 17
When the writers of the Declaration of Independence stated that the people are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights...", they