1. How do we know we are talking about and how do we know if we are talking about the same thing.
2. Unobservable concepts: not being about to specify and well defined.
3. Concepts of historical weight behind them: e.g the “left” movement. Coherent features.
4. Red America: people go to church, republican ruled, country music
a) Blue America: don’t go to church, democratic, urban
5. Reference: extension: without a clear boundary
6. Definition: with specific attributes and features that defined those regions.
7. Operationalization: measurement.
a) Field utility: how concepts related to other concepts.
b) Resonance: how people react when hear the concept.
1. Public contestation (liberalization) and participation (inclusiveness)
Lecture 2
How to describe:
1. Generalization: general description of a group
2. Classification: sorting. Typology
a) Criteria
a.i. Mutually exclusive
a.ii. Exhaustive
a.iii. Comparable
3. Constitution:
a) Plato:interested in speaking of concept, ideal, nature of a thing
b) Aristotle: interested in scientific things.
b.i. Polis: things pertaining to the polis (city-state) is politics.
b.i.1. Republic by Plato describes an ideal polis.
b.i.2. Aristotle: constitution from various city-state, outlined the constitution of other cities, describe and define different city-state.
c) Constitution:
c.i. The interest of the ruling government
c.ii. Ruling types:
c.ii.1. Governing with the common interest
c.ii.2. Perverted type: government that interest in their selves.
c.ii.3. Ancient Greek use of democrary.
c.iii. Constitutional government V.S. democracy
4. Causality:
a) German election
a.i. How to predict: poll of voting intentions, because
a.ii. History/ past election results
a.iii. Election at other levels
a.iv. Economic indicator
a.v. Demographics
a.vi. Comparable countries
a.vii. Candidate popularity/ incumbent rate
a.vii.1. What are the strength of