For hundreds of years capital punishment has been widely regarded as the best way to punish a criminal who has committed a serious crime against humanity. Although there can be benefits to ending a violent criminals life, there are obviously questionable aspects to punishing murder with more murder. However you may look at it, capital punishment still is and always will be a form of murder. I believe that that capital punishment is an ineffective deterrent especially in today’s world were legal consequences are designed to effectively teach the convict and general public from right and wrong, as well as make sure that crime does not reoccur.
I believe that the most controversial aspect to capital punishment is the fact that the convict may have been truly rehabilitated in jail and is willing to become a contributing member to society. On the other hand, this criminal may never learn wrong from right and could intend to recommit dangerous crimes once he is released from jail. I think this is why capital punishment is such a controversial topic. I think the biggest problem is that you will never know if murdering a convict was the right thing to do or not.
The Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty states, “We don’t cut off the hands of thieves to protect property; we do not stone adulterers to stop adultery. We consider that barbaric. Yet we continue to take life as a means of protecting life.” This is 2015, I think modern law has advanced nowadays to a point where judges can find a better way to punish and rehabilitate offenders then simply ending their life. No human being has the right to decide whether another person is worthy of living or not, regardless of previous actions and decisions they may have made in their lives. The capital punishment is a very outdated, barbaric, and ineffective method of teaching convicts what is right or wrong. We live in a world where we can rehabilitate