Most grade-schoolers dream about the day they will walk across the stage on beginning day and receive their diplomas. They are under the impression they will be free from all work in their life, and be able to finally live. A person graduating from high school can take many directions in life; most graduates also go to dorm at college, travel to college, or start working.
First, many graduates run from their parents and desire to go to college as far away from home as possible. When students move away, they get their first feel of living away from home. Which brings everyday jobs like Cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry are a few examples of how college students have to learn to give for themselves. Also, earning a college degree gives a person greater earning like the ability to work in the field of their choice. Going away to college can be a wonderful time for a person to grown-up and start their adult life. Another decision a person may choose after graduating high school is commute to a college. Traveling is not a possibility for everyone graduating high school because of location, but can be a great chance for those who are in drivable distance to a college. Living with parents and driving to college can save college student money because they do not have to pay to dorm. Staying with parents means mom is still around to give home cooked meals and life does not change from high school. Commuting to college can be a great way to save money, while still earning a college degree.
Last, many high school students decide not to go to a college and join the work force right after high school. This means they will not be able to pay back expensive school loans and will be able to have more financial freedom in the short term. A person joining the work has the ability to stay in touch with friends in the area they live in and a few years after graduating or find their own place to reside. Joining the work force out of high school is a great option for some people who choose to do so but is not the best plan for those who want to more education.
A person’s decision about what they will do after high school, weather it is going away to college, commuting to college or joining the work force, will affect them the rest of their life. A lot of thought and prayer should go into any decision, especially those which will affect a person for the rest of their life. In the end, if a person they believe God wants them to does it will end up the way God wants it.
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