To begin with, Randall likes to play basketball just like I do. Randall play’s spectacular team ball with some of his teammates like Johnny Dorenbos and Brett Chapman. He and his teammates pass the ball with confidence and makes their shots when they shot it. Me and my teammates also play team ball just like Randall. Randall is the team captain of his team just like I am. Randall is one of the players that likes to have the ball in his hand at the end of the game. Randall also does not like to lose even if it is by two points or by fifty points. Randall and I are alike in lots of different ways because we like basketball.
Furthermore, Randell does extraordinarily well in the subjects math and science. Randall is one the smartest students in his class. Randall is in one of the most elite clubs in his school the National Junior Honor Society. There is no more than fifteen of the top students in the school are in this club. Randall has the highest Grade Point Average in his school at an outstanding 4.97. To keep your Grade Point Average at that high of a number you have to make an A on every single class on every single report card. Randall is smart like me because I make an A’s on my report card.
In addition, Randall helps others whenever they need no matter who or what they need. Randall never leaves anyone out no matter if it’s a friend or a complete stranger. He keeps people that don’t feel