This February, we won’t be coming together for the first day of school, as we have done year after year after year. We won’t be excited to see our new timetables, be excited about our new teachers and see everyone gossiping about summer, their new hairstyle or how they haven’t done the holiday homework.
We each chose a path and, whether it begins tomorrow or in March, things will never be the same again. We have made bonds between friends and memories that will last a lifetime.
As we end one glorious chapter of our lives, a new one begins. We have a fresh blank page ahead of us. It is up to us to grab our pens and write our own stories. I ask you girls to take this opportunity to write an unforgettable chapter filled with the fulfillment of your dreams and desires. Let us take what we have learned and let it guide us through to our futures. Let us build on our experiences to better ourselves and others around us. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”
We hold the key to our own futures. There is a lot of power inside of us waiting to be unleashed. Finishing VCE is not the end of graduation but rather the beginning of something special. It is the beginning of new adventures, new friendships and, most importantly, more parties.
I would like to take this time to thank everyone, big and small, who has helped each and every one of us to get here. Whether it is a parent, a grandparent, a guardian, brothers and sisters, or our teachers, you have all inspired and made it possible for us to get here. A generous thank you is well deserved.
With a little help from my TI-83 I have calculated that we have spent, on average, 318 minutes a day in class. Over the past six years, we have attended, or should have attended, about 1122 schooldays at Kill ester. This adds up to over a whopping 6,000 hours spent working on Math, Science, English, Humanities, and the works. That does not include the numerous hours spent on homework, studying and exams.
So how do we really measure the time we’ve spent in high school? Throughout our years we measured it in class periods, counting down the years and days to eventual freedom. From little shy year sevens to year 12’s thinking that our XII badge meant we were invincible. And now here we are. Our rule is over, and it’s up to the year below to step into our shoes and take over.
I know that as I look out at all of you, I will measure my time here in a much different way. I will measure it in all the friendships and memories I’ve enjoyed these last six years. Some were pretty casual like the time my phone went off during the first day mass in year eight and the teachers thought it was Jacqui and others were much closer like laughing at Shistata in biology, but I’ll remember each one fondly, as I’m sure you all will, too. And when many of our high school memories begin to fade, that’s how we’ll ultimately measure the time we spent at Kill ester, not in periods or semesters or years, but in the friendships that we made and the times we shared together.
I hope you all live your lives to your hearts’ content and that you take the path in life that leads you to the most happiness because, in the end, that’s all that matters. For our futures, I hope that our worries stay small and that all our dreams reach another universe because the sky is only the starting point.
Napoleon once said, “If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you like to win, but you think you can’t, it is almost certain that you won’t. Life’s Battles don’t always go to the stronger woman or man, but sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can”.
So, yes, graduating is an end, but is also a beginning. You have finished the first book and now you are onto the sequel. Appreciate the endings in your life, but don’t let them short-change the beginnings of new stories. Congratulations, Class of 2012. Here’s to hoping that your beginnings make for happy endings. And, as the writers of your own life stories, always remember that if you don’t like your endings, you can always rewrite them.
Congratulations! Today is your day.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
—Nelson Mandela
Always Be A Student
Keep on learning, (graduate's name),
Though your graduation's done;
Your whole life's an education
That has only just begun.
Your diploma is the first big step,
For knowledge is the special key
To winning what you want in life
And being who you want to be.
If you'll always be a student,
You'll find the secrets to success
And travel on the golden road
To peace and happiness.
By Joanna Fuchs
Wishing, Hoping, Knowing
Graduation is a time for wishes...
"I wish I knew what to do next!"
Graduation is a time for hopes...
"I hope can do what I hope to do!"
Graduation is a time for knowing...
"I know I’m nervous!"
Whatever you do or don’t do, you’ll still have the love of family and friends.
We wish you the best.
We hope you fulfill all your dreams.
We know you will do well because you have so many good qualities to work with!
Congratulations Graduate!
By Joanna Fuchs
Graduation Friendship
We’re graduating, and we know
Our lives will be different and new;
We’re going out into the world,
Our goals and dreams to pursue.
But one thing will never, ever change,
As we go our separate ways;
The friends we’ve made in school will be
Our friends for all our days.
The special ties and attachments we’ve made,
These bonds will never be broken;
We’ll continue to feel that special bond,
Though words may not be spoken.
So it’s not "goodbye," but rather "farewell;"
I’ll see you again, my friend.
Your friendship means a lot to me,
And it will never end.
By Joanna Fuchs
A New Beginning
As you make a new beginning in your life, graduate, be aware of important things you didn’t learn in school:
As you pursue your dreams, remember to take time to help and serve others even if doing so slows you down a little.
As you explore and develop your unique talents, remain humble, realizing that your special abilities are gifts from God.
As life hands you challenges, welcome them as ways to become smarter and stronger.
As you acquire material things, know that your most important possessions are honesty, integrity, and the desire to make a difference.
Congratulations, graduate.
May your new path take you where you want to go and also bring you pleasant surprises!
By Joanna Fuchs
We Are Graduating Now
We are graduating now, and
Things are coming to an end.
We appreciate our teachers,
And we’ll never lose a friend.
We will remember what we learned here;
We will remember everything.
And when we are gone from this place,
To our memories we’ll cling.
Education is the best thing
That we ever will possess.
We will use what our school taught us
To achieve our own success.
We are connected to our friends and school;
We are connected to it all.
When we think about our school days,
Only good things we’ll recall.
So goodbye now to our school days,
To the children we once were.
All the things we thought and did here
Will become a pleasant blur.
We say hello now to our future;
We say hello to what will be.
We all have what we all need; our
Education sets us free.
By Joanna Fuchs
Graduation Song for Young Children
We’re graduating now;
We’re graduating now;
We’re going to a (insert grade) class;
We’re graduating now.
We’ll learn some new things there;
We’ll learn some new things there;
We’re going to have a lot of fun;
We’ll learn some new things there.
We’ll meet and make good friends;
We’ll meet and make good friends;
We’ll like them, and they’ll like us, too;
We’ll meet and make good friends;
Our teacher will be nice;
Our teacher will be nice.
She’ll teach us what we need to know;
Our teacher will be nice.
We’re graduating now;
We’re graduating now;
We’re going to a (insert grade) class;
We’re graduating now.
By Joanna Fuchs
Your Adventure
Now that you've graduated,
Your adventure has begun.
Your schooling has prepared you
For the race life has you run.
We praise you for your efforts,
And send good wishes, too,
For a future filled with happiness,
And your fondest dreams come true.
By Joanna Fuchs
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.
—Judy Garla About Graduation | Graduation is the act of completion and moving up to the next level. There is usually a graduation from kindergarten to elementary school, from elementary school to junior high school and from high school to college. There are also graduations from medical, military or specialized schools.There is typically a ceremony associated with graduation, where the graduate receives a diploma. The ceremony represents the moving up from one level to another or the completion of study.The commencement speech at graduation is usually given by a student, teacher or sometimes someone of celebrity. The theme of the speech is usually based on what graduates will be up against in the "real world" - something they may not be as familiar with while working on their studies.There is almost always a celebration for graduation day to recognize their accomplishment and completion of hard work - a gathering of friends and family, picnics or large parties. Hats off to all our graduates this year! |
If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail -
Be the best of whatever you are!
Turn your wounds into wisdom. You will be wounded many times in your life. You'll make mistakes. Some people will call them failures but I have learned that failure is really God's way of saying, "Excuse me, you're moving in the wrong direction." It's just an experience, just an experience.
Congratulations! You've run the course and passed the finish line!
Live by your own light
Shine by your own star
Do what you always wanted to do with your life
Envision the gift that you are.
Climb up the hills of your hopes and dreams
Take whatever steps you need to take
You can't get to the top if you don't try
And it's a journey you should definately make.
Try to find more time in your life
Do it just for you
Even the best life has a certain level of pressure. Find a productive, healthy outlet for stress. Run. Write. Take up knitting. Just make sure it's good for you.
1. Einstein was 4 years old before he could speak. 2. Iassc Newton did poorly in grade school and was considered "unpromising." 3. When Thomas Edison was a youngster, his teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything. He was counseled to go into a field where he might succeed by virtue of his pleasant personality. 4. F.W. Woolworth got a job in a dry goods store when he was 21, but his boss would not permit him to wait on customers because he "didn't have enough sense to close a sale." 5. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. 6. Bob Cousy suffered the same fate, but he too is a Hall of Famer. 7. A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he "lacked imagination and had no original ideas." 8. Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade and had to repeat it because he did not complete the tests that were required for promotion. 9. Babe Ruth struck out 1,300 times, a major league record.
A person may make mistakes, but is not a failure until he or she starts blaming someone else. We must believe in ourselves, and somewhere along the road of life we will meet someone who sees greatness in us and lets us know it.
~~ Author Unknown ~~ BE A WINNER
The Winner - is always part of the answer.
The Loser - is always part of the problem.
The Winner - always has a program.
The Loser - always has an excuse.
The Winner - says "Let me do it for you".
The Loser says "That's not my job".
The Winner - sees an answer for every problem.
The Loser - sees a problem for every answer.
The Winner - sees a green near every sand trap.
The Loser - sees two or three sand traps near every green.
The Winner - says "It may be difficult but it's possible".
The Loser - says "It may be possible but it's too difficult".
~~ Author Unknown ~~ | Winners Never Quit | |
Winners take chances
Like everyone else, they fear failing, but they refuse to let fear control them.
Winners don't give up.
When life gets rough, they hang in until the going gets better.
Winners are flexible.
They realize there is more than one way and are willing to try others.
Winners know they are not perfect.
They respect their weaknesses while making the most of their strengths.
Winners fall but they don't stay down.
They stubbornly refuse to let a fall keep them from climbing.
Winners don't blame fate for their failures, nor luck for their successes.
Winners accept responsibility for their lives.
Winners are positive thinkers who see good in all things.
From the ordinary, they make the extraordinary.
Winners believe in the path they have chosen even when it is hard, even when others can't see where they are going.
Winners are patient.
They know a goal is only worthy as the effort that is required to achieve it.
Winners are people that believe in themselves.
They make this world a better place to be.
~~ Author Unknown ~~ | Winners | |
"While most are dreaming of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it."
What helps us be successful at what we do? * A positive attitude * Having self confidence * Having a goal in mind * Taking charge of our own life * Being honest * Being healthy and strong
What doesn't help us succeed? * Being negative * Being afraid to try * Giving up too soon * Making excuses for staying the same * Letting other people run our life * Feeling scared or embarrassed to talk * Feeling alone and unloved
~~ Author Unknown ~~
* People are unreasonable, illogical and self centered.
Love them anyway. * If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good anyway. * If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway. * The kindness you show today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Be kind anyway. * Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway. * The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway. * What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway. * People really need help, but may attack you if you help them.
Help people anyway. * Give the world the best you've got, and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
~~ Author Unknown ~~
Welcome to Bryn Mawr College! Attending college is one of the first major life transitions for many young adults. Some students are excited to take on the new experiences of campus life, while others feel apprehensive about making this change. Regardless of your outlook when beginning your first year at BMC, you may benefit from talking with others who have already made that transition.
Making the Transition
What are some of the most common changes you can expect in the first year on campus? • New environment and relationships. First year students must adapt to an unfamiliar environment, adjust to different living arrangements, and develop new relationships. Living with roommates may be the first ‘test’ freshmen experience. Students face the challenge of adjusting to roommates who may have very different boundaries and individual needs than family and friends from home. Roommates may or may not develop close friendships, but communication and compromise can build a smoother transition. College brings a unique opportunity to interact and live with people from various backgrounds and cultures. Expanding your worldview by learning about each other’s differences and similarities will likely enhance your college experience.
• Greater personal freedom. Living on your own for the first time means that you will gain independence and take charge of the many choices and decisions that your parents and teachers made for you in the past. While this new found freedom can be exciting, it may also feel overwhelming and less predictable than what you are accustomed to. The freedom to manage your daily life is a learning process, but one that can be very satisfying.
• Added responsibility. First-year students must manage the important daily responsibilities that accompany their increased personal freedom like basic tasks such as eating, sleeping, exercising, and going to class. New students must also address more complex responsibilities such as balancing studying and socializing, participating in clubs and activities, and handling finances. Managing time is a demand that all first-year students experience. A typical day in college is less structured than high school, and there is more reading and studying that is required outside of class. Some students may feel as if they have no free time to do anything but schoolwork, while others feel like they have too much free time outside of the classroom.
• Changing relationships. While there are many changes occurring in your new life at BMC, there will also be changes in your relationships. New students often face challenges such as best friends going to other colleges or universities and juggling newly formed relationships with already established ones. Students must balance a sense of connectedness and separation while at college. Some freshmen feel the need to call or email home several times a week in the first few months away, while others require less frequent communication with their family and friends.
Common Stressors
The first year of college is a new and exciting adventure, but one that may come with a few challenges along the way. What are some of the most common stressors that first-year students experience?
• Time Management. Now that you are in college, there are no more eight hour school days like those in many high schools. You may have class for six, three, or even zero hours a day. The rest of your time must be negotiated between homework, clubs and activities, work, socializing, and self-care. College students often feel as if there is just not enough time to do everything that needs to be done. Using a schedule and some organizational skills will help you to effectively manage your hectic and changing life.
• Academic Performance. By nature, college coursework is challenging, and it can be hard to keep up with the increased academic demands. Some students undergo pressure from both themselves and their parents. There may be requirements for scholarships and graduate school admission that you have not previously experienced. In order to manage the increased demands and expectations, it is important to attend class regularly, keep up with readings and assignments, and ask for help when you need it. Be sure to meet with your professor and take advantage of the resources offered by your class, such as PLI sessions or drill sessions. If you need to request a tutor contact the Dean’s Office or visit the BMC Peer Tutoring webpage
• Roommate Conflict. Learning to live with someone new can be one of the most challenging aspects of going to college. Different living habits are the most common source of roommate conflict (i.e. neat vs. messy; quiet vs. noisy; early-to-bed vs. up-all-night). Failure to communicate your expectations about living together can lead to tension and eventually conflict. To avoid “roommate fallout” you should communicate your needs and expectations respectfully, while recognizing your own habits and quirks that might affect your relationship. Your Roommate Contract is a great way to clarify expectations and enhance communication between you and your roommate(s). In the event of a conflict, try talking with your roommate(s) first to resolve the issue. If the conflict continues to escalate, your Customs Person and/or Hall Advisor can help you determine a course of action.
College life is claimed to be one of the best times in an individual’s life. The fun and the experience which as, as a person, gain at college helps us stand out from the rest of the world in all our future endeavors We not only take back a college graduate degree in our hands, but also take back fond memories and gainful experience which will remain with us life long, and which will define us, as an identity and establish our unique personality. What and how we look at the experiences which we gain in our college life is important as that is what will define us and what we are. We might not realize what we are gaining while we are at the college level, but surprisingly the experience, whether good or bad we gain during our college time remains one of the best things to be cherished, and which helps us grow more as an individual and make a mark of our own in the society. While the list of experience might just go on, here is a list of some of the really important and life changing experiences which students like us gain at college.
10. Increase in confidence level
We gain so much knowledge and bag full of experience when we are in college. Because our knowledge and education level is expanding over a period of time, it makes students more capable in their future and makes them confidence on what they know of their subject and life. A student gains confidence in him, as he learns greater things and meets different types of people from all walks of life, making him stronger and confident with time, to help him success in his future career.
9. The impact of our decisions
Students tend to make a lot of mistake in their college days. Many such activities like staying up late till nights, or partying with friends instead of studying for a test the next day, these small little mistakes which we as students commit helps us learn how to priorities things and learn from all our mistakes. It instills a right consciousness in our minds and helps us take better decision in our futures, as we tend to learn a lot from our past mistakes and wrong decisions made due to our immaturity back then.
8. Varied People, Varied experiences
During college, we meet different types of people and acquaintances, and also meet some great and distinguishable personalities if we tend to get lucky enough. This helps us learn to get adjusted and experience the lifestyle of those multi varied people present in our lives. There is always a lot to learn from people around us, and they can actually teach us more than what textbooks and internet can. Sharing with them, and exchanging of experiences and knowledge helps a student grow better and comfortable with people from different backgrounds, hence helping him build a successful career for himself.
7. Solutions right in your pocket
By the time you finish your college life, you already know how to create and have a backup plan of things and activities. We go through committing a lot of mistake and some minor issues which in turn helps us to realize and ponder over our decisions made, and helps us think of alternative ideas when we decide on working upon something. Thus college life instills this hard work and faith in us that no matter what, there is always a possible way out and thus encourages us to find solutions of the worst situations due to our learning experiences in college.
6. Smell the roses once a while
People have different types of college life; some might have a very interesting one, while others might just have had a dull and a boring one. Yet, it teaches everyone a valuable lesson that no matter how much time we have, time is one thing that flies by in the wink of an eye. So it is important to always cherish the moment and not complain and keep cribbing all the time. It is important to stop by for a while and enjoy all those moments which life has to offer, and learning how to utilize and enjoy each moment of our lives comes with once we get done with our college and have no idea how time just flew by.
5. Prioritize efficiently and effectively
During our college days, we are always asked to take small minor decision on issues, and have conspicuously or unconsciously kept pondering about the prioritization of a lot of things in our life during our times in college. All those experience and the mind drilling comes to an end once college ends, yet that practice leaves us grown more as a person and gives us a better picture, reason and idea as to what things and factors we need to priorities in our life and sweat it out on that particular point. We become more mature to realize the importance of things in life, thus leading to much prioritized and sorted lifestyle and decisions.
4. Keeping your pockets safe from drilling
We start understanding and judging our financial situation at every point of time. The amount of fun and expenditure we have during our college days make us wiser when it comes to terms with our money and other financial resources. We learn how to cut down and manage on our spending, and also know the reliability of spending on a lot of different things. We start reasoning out for our financial lookouts, thus making us financiers for our earning in our own little way.
3. The value of Past, Present and Future
Living our college days to the fullest helps us enjoy every moment with much pomp and adore, and thus helps us priorities our things and activities our way, using our wise thinking and experiences learned at college. We learn how to respect our past for all the mistakes that we have committed and learn from them in the Present. Utilizing those learning for the Present and create a bright and secure future for ourselves is again one of the biggest experience which college life teaches us. We starts respecting the different phases of our lives and appreciate every little thing coming our way.
2. Striking a balance between work and play
The hectic schedule of our college life makes us big managers when it comes to creating a distinguishable balance between our work and fun times in our lives. Right from school to family and work, we realize that everything is equally important in our lives, and after learning how to prioritize things, we starts striking a proper balance just to make sure that there is not too much of anything present in our life. Our college days start making us believe that every element of our life is important and that we should keep trying to maintain a balance between the hard and soft side of our lives.
1. Learning is a process which goes on forever
There is always so much to learn from our textbooks, from our peers, teachers and mentors when we are in our college. This opens up our mind to the fact that there is always a lot of knowledge which we can and we should soak up from different people and situations. College days make us believe that learning is a continuous process and that you don’t necessarily need textbooks to gain experiences in your life. There is always something or the other you can learn from different things around you, thus giving you a happy, balanced and healthier life to lead and succeed.
College life offers many new and exciting opportunities, but each day also has its challenges and problems. Sooner or later you are likely to have an experience that leaves you feeling unsure of yourself. For some it may be surviving a class or professor that is difficult to understand, flunking a test, or getting criticism from an instructor that hurts your feelings. Others will have no problem with the academic challenges, but may feel hurt by social rejection. Challenging experiences can leave us shaken and asking: Am I o.k.? Am I smart enough, hard working enough, good looking enough, clever enough, organized enough, strong enough, trustful enough, sexy enough, disciplined enough, or caring enough? You may question yourself in any of these areas as a consequence of your experiences in college.
Furthermore, many college students find themselves far from home. Because family and friends often appreciate the good things about us, they help us to maintain our self-esteem in the face of a difficult challenge. Being away from home can make it more difficult to feel good about ourselves, particularly when the going gets rough. Given all the challenges in college life, and given the sometimes unrealistic expectations we may have for ourselves, some self-disappointment seems inevitable. But how you choose to deal with self-disappointment is something that can make a big difference in your success both in and after college.
Those of us who are college veterans will never forget our freshman year at college. Some of us may like to forget our freshman year, but in general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries.
College is a lot different than high school. You may decide to commute from your home to a local campus. Your freshman experience will definitely make an impression on you. Without doubt, though, the most dramatic freshman year is for those living away from home. What can you expect as you head off into the wonderful world of higher education?
The first thing you'll notice is the workload. It will be heavier and more intense than you ever experienced before. The major challenges of college work are the large volume of reading, the short deadlines, and the writing, writing, writing. A related effect that can be brought on by the workload is doubt, frustration, and possibly loneliness. You'll be away from the comforts and friendships your home provided for you over the previous years.
On some of those long, seemingly endless nights of studying and writing, it will be only natural for you to long for the good old days. Hang in there. These down periods will pass. Whatever you do, don't make major decisions about your major, your courses, or even your roommate during one of these blue periods. Things always look better in the morning.
You'll be making a lot of new friends. Continue to be yourself. Don't strike a pose or play the role of someone you're not. Select your friends with the same care and patience you have always used. Believe it or not, your college friendships will be among the most satisfying and long-term of your life. It's always exciting to discover how wonderfully diverse college relationships can be.
You'll also be on your own, your own boss (more or less) 24 hours a day. Be careful here. Don't go flying off the end of the pier. Enjoy your newfound freedom. Stay up until dawn talking about your ideals and ambitions with your dorm's regular bull session buddies. Sleep in until the afternoon on a light class day. Explore the local town or suburbs with one or two of your new friends. Remember, though, with freedom comes responsibility. Even though your parents won't be around to follow up on your loose ends, you shouldn't let things go completely. Just find your own style.
You may even start to think about your future. Be on the lookout for role models. Maybe a certain professor is especially inspiring. Perhaps your school has some ground-breaking research going on. Be sensitive to your own gravity. If some area of study attracts you, find out all you can about it. It might be the beginning of your self-definition process. Going to college is as much about finding out who you really are as it is about getting that degree.
Sterling Knight
Hero lyrics
I'm no superman
I can't take your hand
And fly you anywhere
You wanna go, yeah
I can't read your mind
Like a billboard sign
And tell you everything
You wanna hear but
I'll be your hero
I, I can be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity, I'll be unstoppable
I, yeah I believe in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
Then I'll be your hero
(Could you be the one [x3]for me)
Then I'll be your hero
Searching high and low
Trying every row
If I see your face
I'll barley know, yeah
I put my trust in faith
If you will come my way
And if it’s right
It's undeniable yeah
I'll be your hero
I, I can be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity, I'll be unstoppable
I, yeah I believe in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
Then I'll be your hero
(Could you be the one [x3]for me)
I'll be your hero
(Could you be the one [x3]for me)
I'll be your hero
So incredible
Some kind of miracle
And when it's meant to be
I'll become a hero-o
So I'll wait, wait
Wait, wait for you
Yeah I'll be your hero
I, I can be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity, I'll be unstoppable
(Be unstoppable)
I, yeah I believe in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
Then I'll be your hero
(Could you be the one [x3]for me)
Then I'll be your hero
(Could you be the one [x3]for me)
Then I'll be your hero
More lyrics:
1. Thank teachers and your parents or other family members for their support, encouragement, help, aid or personal assistance during your years of studying.
2. Praise accomplishments and achievements of the class.
3. Reflect upon the past years, what has changed and is interesting enough to share with all?
4. Mention funny and exciting events, you can opt for funny one liner or even small innocent jokes, poems or quotations from famous people if you like.
5. Motivate your fellow students and teachers and professors to look to the future.
6. Give advice, but avoid boring and totally not surprising clichés.
7. Entertain by telling humorous anecdotes and vivid stories. Offer an account of an interesting or humorous incident.
8. Express the feelings of the class. But do not go over the top.
9. Say farewell to all attendees. This acknowledgment at parting is the warming-up for the next and final step.
10. Wish the graduates of your class all the best and thank them for listening.