
Gram Catalase Test Lab Report

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Gram Catalase Test Lab Report
Gram Stain:
Gram is an empirical method to distinguish the species of bacteria into two groups Gram-positive and Gram-negative based on the physicochemical properties of the cells. First, a smear was prepared by use a sterile transfer loop that been flamed to removes some bacteria from slant agar and placed on the slide; mixed with one drop of water and let air dried. After dried, heat fixation the slide by passed the slide over a flame quickly 2-3 times to stick bacteria to the slide. Next, the smear was sequence covered with crystal violet, iodine, 95% ethanol, and safranin; each reagent was rinsed with water after 1 minute. When decolorized with 95% ethanol, the smear was slowly covered drop wise until the run-off change from deep purple to clear and then rinsed with water. After 4 gram stains, the slide was blot dried and observed under microscope at 100x with oil immersion. The slide either appear in pink (gram-negative) or purple (gram-positive).
Catalase Test:
Catalase test enzyme detection of microorganisms, catalase hydrolysis hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into H2O and O2. The catalase test was performed by used a sterile transfer loop been flamed to remove small amount of bacteria from slant agar and placed on the slide. Then
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Used the sterile transfer loop that been flamed to remove the bacteria from the slant agar and placed onto the blood agar used the streak plate technique. The bacteria were streak across from quadrant 1 into quadrant 2 then heat the loop and allowed to cool. Streaked bacteria from quadrant 2 into quadrant 3. When streaked from the quadrant 3 to 4, the loop doesn’t need to be flame. After finished streaked all 4 quadrants, flame-sterilized the loop to remove the bacteria. The Blood agar was labeled and placed upside down in the basket and stored for a week to observed the individual

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