A statement of fact expresses only what actually happened, or what could be proven by objective data.
A statement of opinion expresses an attitude toward something – it makes a judgment, view, or conclusion, or makes a statement that cannot be proven true or false.
A. WRITE O for opinion, or F for FACT. REMEMBER, if they are opinions, they can be topic sentences!!! B. Then, turn the information in the FACT items into opinions. _____1.There are only 4,000 to 6,000 of the northern spotted owl birds left in the USA. _____2. If we aren 't careful with our resources, we could upset the balance of our beautiful blue planet. _____3 Seven million acres of forest in the USA were declared off limits to the timber industry in 1990. _____4 Puerto Rico is part of the Greater Antilles Archipelago. _____5. There are various advantages of getting a job after you finish college. _____6. The Game of Thrones HBO series is based on the George R. R. Martin’s cycle of fantasy novels. _____ 7. Walking on the beach at sunset calms me down after a stressful day at work. _____ 8. Making your own clothes requires great patience, as well as skill. _____9. Selecting the right car for an adolescent is not an easy job. _____10. U.S. troops raided an insurgent facility in northern Iraq last Tuesday. _____11. K-Mart will hold a back to school sale during the last week of July. _____12. The old car that Ron bought from his neighbor turned out to be a real lemon. _____13. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a fairy tale.
Bibliography: Davies-Silcott, Loma G. Freelance Writer’s Special Reports, Transitions = Strong Word Bridges. North Stratford, NH: CNW Publishing, Editing &Promotion, Inc.2000. Study Guides and Strategies. Transitional Words and Phrases. Downloaded 3/5/2012. http://www.studygs.net/wrtstr6.htm University of North Carolina a Chapel Hill. Transitions. Downloaded 3/5/2012. http://writingcenter.unc.edu/resources/handouts-demos/writing-the-paper/transitions Purdue Online Writing Lab. Writing Transitions. Downloaded 3/5/2012. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/574/1/