|Students will be able to: |Resources: |
|identify the eight basic parts of speech in a sentence (noun, pronoun, verb, |MCAS #1 Reviewing the parts of speech worksheets and quiz |
|adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, interjection) and correctly use |Learning the parts of speech by Lisa Kihn |
|them in sentence construction. Identify subject and predicate of a sentence. |Mad Libs activity books |
|recognize the function of verbals (participles, gerunds, and infinitives). |MCAS #2 Sentence construction worksheets and quiz |
| |508.2 (Gerunds), 509.1 (Infinitives), and 509.2 (Participles) |
| |Unit 3 Phrases and Clauses: participles, participial phrases, gerunds, infinitives, and verbals |
| |University of Houston-Victoria Grammar Center http://www.uhv.edu/ac/grammar/main.html |
| |Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ |
|identify independent and dependent clauses. |Unit 3 Phrases and Clauses: clauses