CHEM 106 Sec:
Instructor: Emral Devany
Required texts:
1) 106 Lab Manual from Hunter Bookstore (10th Edition only)
2) Carbon Copy Lab Notebook
Class Time: Mo- Wed 2:10-5:00 pm Room:
Office: 1406C Office Hours: Tuesdays 12-1 pm
Course Description:
This lab-based course is designed to allow students to work like novice scientists. Conceptually, students will learn about chemical change, how reactions are expressed, the mole concept, molarity, and about the laws that govern gases, kinetics, equilibria, acid-base chemistry, and electrochemistry. Methodologically, students will learn how to keep a professional notebook, perform fundamental chemical techniques such as titrations, evaluate their data, create tables and graphs, and communicate their results in a poster session format. Computers within the lab will be used to facilitate data organization and analysis.
Class Policies:
1. Your grade will not be penalized if you have one excused absence. If you miss a lab you can only make up the missed lab in another lab section when the same experiment is still in session. To make up a lab, you would also need to have the permissions of both your own instructor and the instructor of the other lab section. If you have TWO or MORE UNEXUSED ABSENSES you will automatically fail the course. If you have TWO or MORE EXCUSED ABSENSES you will receive a grade of IN for the semester. It is the student’s responsibility to make up the missed labs in the following semester. Otherwise the IN will be automatically converted to a FIN at the official deadline and remain so on your transcript. For an excused absence, documentation must be supplied.
2. To pass