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Section 3, Project Specific Grant Assurances
This section discusses the Grant Assurances that apply to the planning and implementation of AIP funded projects (Project Specific Grant Assurances), rather than general airport operations, maintenance and finance. The relevant Grant Assurances are discussed sequentially in numerical order. For those Assurances with subsidiary clauses or requirements, the individual clauses or requirements are also discussed.
Because these Grant Assurances relate to planning and implementation of projects, the Airport Compliance Manual, Order 5190.6B is not a primary reference source. Rather the current and prior version of the AIP Handbook, Order 5100.38C and 5100.38D are primary sources. Order 5100.38C is included as a reference because in some cases, it may explain the requirements of the Project Specific Grant Assurances more extensively than Order 5100.38D. If there is conflict between the two versions of the order, the latter (5100.38D) takes precedence.
3.1 General Federal Requirements
This Grant Assurance lists legislation, Executive Orders and regulations applicable to airports receiving AIP grants with the following