Bryon and Mark start this chapter in a pool hall where they are planning to make some money hustling pool. They are only sixteen years old, so it is illegal for them to be in a pool hall with a bar in it but they are usually successful at hustling because they look so innocent. After checking for an undercover cop and not finding one, Bryon asks Charlie, the bartender for a CCoke. Charlie reminded him that he and Mark already owed for three dollars worth of CokeCokes and refused to give him another until he paid on his debt. Mark joined Bryon at the counter and asked for a Coke. Bryon told him their credit was no good, but Charlie gave in to Mark and gave them Cokes after all when Mark promised to bring the money in the next day. Bryon says that talking people into things is...
Chapter 2 Summary
Bryon and Mark go …show more content…
The same doctor that had worked on Mark after his fight attended Bryon.
On the way home, Bryon tried to explain to Mark why he did not hate the Shepherds for beating him up. He was so intent on what he was trying to say that he did not notice the effect it was having on Mark until Mark was almost crying. Mark felt guilty because he knew that Bryon had taken the beating for something that he had done. He was angry with Bryon for not letting him retaliate, as that was the only thing he knew to do that would make him feel any better. Mark and Bryon could not get through to each other any more. Bryon did not like fighting any more. Mark just...
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Chapter 10 Summary
Bryon and Cathy stayed at the hospital until the doctor could talk to them. He said that M&M would recover physically, but it was too soon to tell if he would ever recover mentally. LSD affects everyone differently. Bryon was very angry at the doctor's honesty because it was so hard on Mr. Carlson and Cathy to