Graphic Design and Illustration – Assignment Brief
|Assignment Details | |Module Title: Degree Project B3 |Module Code: 6FDA 0014 | |Topic/Assignment/Project: D&AD 2013 open brief |Weighting: 40% | |Submission Deadline: |28th June 2013 |Tutor: Alexdrina Chong |
|Assessment Criteria for this assignment | |Your work will be marked using only these criteria. You must make sure that your submitted materials provide clear evidence for the tutor that you| |have met all of these requirements. | |Learning Outcomes - Knowledge and Understanding of: | |Research skills appropriate to the level and direction of their personal development. | |The visual languages, materials and techniques of their chosen field of study. | |How to generate and develop ideas and concepts. | |The cultural, historical and professional context of their design practice. | |Learning Outcomes - Skills and Attributes, be able to: | |Enhance their professional skills and awareness of the fields of graphic design or illustration. | |Compile and critically evaluate relevant research material. | |Apply visual languages, materials and thinking skills. |
|Feedback Type for this Assignment | | | | | | | | | |✓ | | | | | | | | | |Student Self-Evaluation: A comment by the student on the knowledge/skills developed in this assignment, related to the assessment criteria. | |Formative Progress Report: What’s going well, what’s not going well, what action is needed to improve. | |Summative Report for Individual Assignment: Performance against assessment criteria, and guidance for improvement. | |Summary Report for Module: Progress and achievement over a period of study, and areas to work on. | |Grade calculation for this Assignment: | |All the elements of this assignment are required for you to achieve a pass mark. |
|Detailed Brief: | |Background | |The issue of weight gain is a global problem. For example, almost half of the people in the UK are either overweight or obese. This is because our | |lifestyles have changed: we used to hunt and farm, work in tough manual jobs and play outside. Now we sit at desks, or in front of the TV, | |increasingly craving fats and sugars but not necessarily burning them off. | | | |Creative Challenge | |Your task is to create a campaign that is less about preaching the nutritional value of particular foods, but instead focuses on motivating | |children and adults to take part in regular physical activity. The target is to get kids exercising for 60 minutes a day and adults for 150 minutes| |a week. Your idea will need to change behavior. It will need to get people excited about exercising. | | | |Target Audience | |Everyone. Although specific consideration should be given to low income families who are under pressure to buy low cost, quick and easy to cook, | |convenience foods. This target group could be potentially consuming the most calories, whilst being unaware of the impact that a lack of physical | |activity can have on them. |
|Submission Requirements: | |This is how you must submit your work. | |By 28th June 2013 | |1) Main deliverable: | |A digital presentation slide file showing your solution. (Your entire campaign strategy, using images from your supporting material together with | |supporting information) | | | |2) Two of the following optional supporting material for your presentation: | | | |a) Option 1- Interactive work (digital mockups*) | |(websites, widgets, apps, HTML, etc.); | |*sitemaps and every page fully constructed in digital stills at the appropriate resolution, app design displaying stills, animated sequences as a | |proof of concept – organize them into folders and burn into a CD/thumb drive | | | |b) Option 2 - Video | |an ad campaign video up to 2 minutes long | | | |C) Option 3 - Physical material (printed and constructed) | |(Print ads, product prototypes, packaging mockups, etc.); | | | |3) Your Development Journal (digital blog or physical compilation): | |A complete journal contains a full account of your work process- containing visual research and reading material, a range of ideas, thought | |processes, decision-making and your sketches/drafts. Organise them in chronological order. |
|Working Method: | | | |Consider building your campaign around an idea for an initiative, a programme or even a social movement. | | | |Make it interactive. How will you maintain a dialogue with your audience so they continue their exercise plan? | | | |Think carefully about feeling and tone. When they aren’t working, people want to spend time doing things they enjoy. Your idea must be enjoyable | |and positive. | | | |Your presentation slides should follow the structure provided below: | |A) Communication Objective B) Design Objectives C) Message Design D) Design Execution } | |E) Media/Channels F) Measurement and Evaluation of the campaign | | |
|Research sources: | | | | | | | | | | | | |