My family is the most important piece in my life. If I was to fail or succeed my family would be there for me. My family supports me and my goals I have set and want to achieve 100%. Without my family I wouldn’t be the person I am today. My family is supportive, loving, and caring and that is why I feel they are the most important piece in my life.
My health is 1 of the things I am grateful for. Living on earth without any health problems is a good thing because its 1 major worry I don’t have to deal with. I have always been active as a kid and that is why I am most active now. Being able to play Basketball or Football all day and wake up the next day with no aches and pains is a very good thing when you love sports as much as I do and want to get back out there the next day and do it all over again. My health and my body are in good shape and I am grateful and thankful of that.
I am also very grateful for my education. Being a young black male in Detroit and statistics say I have no chance of succeeding in life because I am dumb and that will lead to me being dead or in jail because I have no knowledge. Even though I was a bad kid and I was always in trouble at school I still always got my work done. All of the fighting and “playing the dozens” stopped when I got in High School because I see that I was going to get nowhere with the attitude I had. I am very thankful and grateful for my education at a very important time in this world.
In conclusion I am grateful for my loving and supporting family, my life, health, and strength, and my education. All of these things play the most important roles in my life. If any of these 3