Research Plan
The hypothesis I would like to test for my research project is that there will be more deaths that are below the age of 45 since there hadn’t been any advancements in technology and medicine was unavailable up until the late 1940’s. Since the technology for medical help was unavailable many of the soldiers that fought in the Battle of Girard would most likely have died of infection if they had been wounded. The Battle of Girard took place during the civil war and was fought in the town of Girard which is now Phoenix City, across the Chattahoochee
River in Alabama. Children would have also been more prone to death without the aid of antibiotic that are not available. I think that there will be an equal number between young men and women that died. I also think that women will have a higher rate of death than the men since there was a greater risk of death for women during childbirth.
In order to test my hypothesis I plan to document 50 deaths from the 1800s to 1910. I will be using the Linwood Cemetery to do my research. I would like to record the data of every other two headstones. This will allow me to easily keep track of each of the headstones but will also be random. I should also be able to get a wider range of seeing whether there were a greater number of children to early adults. I would rather document 50 headstones than 35 so that there is less chance for error in that the area I record in just happens to have more women than men compared to that of the whole cemetery. I will need the gender, date of birth and death, age and cemetery