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to preserve the condition of ship hulls that is released into sea water which can damage marine organisms.
Oil Spills: Despite the best efforts of government agencies trying to keep the Reef in best conditions possible. there have been a huge number of oil spills over the last few decades that have directly affected the reef and its marine life. Spills caused by passing oil container ships have still continued to occur, with the most recently recorded happening in 2010 as the
Chinese bulk coal carrier Shen Neng 1 - travelling 10 kilometres outside the regulation shipping lane which struck the reef, scraping along its surface for a substantial length and creating a massive grounding scar over 3 kilometres in length (the longest in recorded
As a result, some of the damaged areas have become uninhabitable for marine life and there are estimates that the reef may take up to 10 to 20 years to recover from the incident.
Agencies increased the maximum allowable fine for shipping companies that damage the
Great Barrier Reef in response to the incident. To date, 283 total oil spills have occurred over the waters of the Great Barrier Reef since 1987.
Over-fishing: The fishing industry brings an annual profit over $1 billion to Australia. The
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has now banned the majority of fishing areas in the Reef. Fishing is not only for commercial purposes but also for leisure/sport fishing.
Although some areas of the reef allow for tourist to fish for sport, many of the protected species such as prawns and molluscs are getting caught in the nets. The nets
themselves can also damage the ocean floor known as the “drag effect”. Pollution also enter the water from tourist boats which causes damage to the marine life.
Tourist visits: The millions of visitors that the Great
Barrier Reef draws every year are also a significant reason why the Reef is dying. Not only leisure vessels heading out for tours to the reef but also reef-based activities such as reef-walking, using submersibles and even the runoff from various sunscreens are all thought to be contributing negative factors. tourist impact is more harmful to the reef than they may seem. Littering is also a major contribution to the damage of the coral reef and marine life.