Something weird happens. Right when I was about to leave, a herd of bisons starts running away like crazy. By the looks of it, you could already tell something bad will happen. Deep inside my heart, I knew that I had to run. I began leaving the sticks behind and put my towel on one of my pockets. I began to run. As I ran, I looked behind me that’s when I saw the biggest storm of dust rolling over us.
It was coming up faster than ever. The bisons were being runned over. Knowing that you can’t outrun this storm. I looked for shelter. The closest shelter that I could find was a rock. I rolled over and ducked behind it. I began wrapping my head with the towel. I looked behind me. It was too late. Saving them would have me killed. I’m sorry as I said to the other bisons that were about to be runned over. I turned around it began closing my eyes and covered them.
The storm rolled over the Great plains. Hitting me with every stroke of dust that it had. Carefully, I tried breathing inside the warped towel on my face. I tried holding my breath taking just anything, but dust. Finally, the great, powerful storm came to an end.
I came outside out of my hiding. Seeing through the horror from the destruction that the dust storm created. Just everything was covered in sand. Every living creatures was all dead. I apologized soon after. Afterwards, I started running towards my