
Great Empires: The Ottoman Empire And The United States

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Great Empires: The Ottoman Empire And The United States
Empire is generally defined as a group of nations or states that are controlled by someone with a significant power (Wikipedia, n.d.). In another words, an empire is established when a state has absolute control over other different states (Crabben, 2009). Some ancient empires were stronger than others. Three important aspects that make up a strong empire are military power, expansion of colonial rule and the economy. British and Ottoman Empires were two examples of the great empires in the past (Smashing lists, n.d.). Roman Empire was also one of the great empires but was still considered as a weaker empire in comparison to the British Empire. Two important factors or weaknesses that lead to a weaker empire are political issues and involvement …show more content…
This paragraph will discuss about how colonization of other states or nations helped the Ottoman Empire became one of the strongest and greatest empire in the history and at the end of this paragraph, the Ottoman Empire will be compared with the United States. Being a sovereign state, the Ottoman Empire was established in the late 1200s following the conflict that occurred amongst a number of Turkish tribes (Briney, n.d.). After the incident, the Ottoman Turks started to dominate states which were once owned by the previous empire. According to Briney (n.d.), the primary objective of the Ottoman Empire during its early establishment was the expansion of its territories. This empire began to expand during the reign of Osman I. Moreover, more and more major victories obtained by the Ottoman Empire towards the end of 1300s which had helped the empire to expand its ruling. Some areas in the North Africa and Arabian Peninsula, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Egypt, Jordan, Greece, Syria, Romania, Lebanon, Israel and Macedonia all belonged to the Ottoman Empire during its peak (Briney, …show more content…
The first major contributor to the collapse of Roman Empire was its political issues (, n.d.). In the past, this empire had control over major countries such as Greece, the coastal part of North Africa, England and Wales, the Middle East, Spain and France (History Learning Site, 2014). Food, houses, and clothing acted as the representation of one's social class in Roman Empire. Any individuals who attempted to anxiously climb the class status were insulted brutally (, 2006). The problem did not stop there. The Roman Empire was governed by emperors of whom some were excellent emperors. However, they usually did not last long as other people sabotaged the power and the position of the emperors and in some cases, assassinated their own emperors (, n.d.). One of the factors that caused this was wealth. Dominating the public office was one of the paths to increasing one's wealth during the Roman times (Strauss, 2012). Therefore, those people whose goal was to gain more wealth often misused their rank in the public office which eventually in some cases resulted in murder. Thus, this weakened the empire in the end. Seeing how the United States has evolved into a successful nation, without a doubt it

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