Great Expectations
Hollywood and the movie industry have made many bold attempts over the past decade in bringing to life old classics. None however in my opinion have been done more boldly than the remoulding of Charles Dickens 's Great Expectations. This compelling piece is a rebirth storyline of the past retold in Modern times. Any attempt at bringing a Dickens work to the screen would be an awesome task to accomplish. I 've found his writing to be so rich with description and imaging that one would definitely have to have read the original novel to get the full effect of the motion picture. It seems that many authors kind of lean themselves to the screen more aggressively but Dickens in my opinion left a difficult task to complete, which was very commending. In this paper I will attempt to compare and contrast the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens to two of the remakes of the novel on screenplay, one written by Mitch Glazer in 1997 and directed by Alfonso Cuaron, and the other directed by David Lean in 1946. The novel was first published as a weekly series in 1860 and in book form in 1861. The novel in a four paragraph summary is a tale of a young boy growing up and becoming a gentleman. He must learn to appreciate people for who they are, not for who they aren 't.
( Dickenproject) He was nicknamed Pip but known as Philip Pirrip, the main character. He goes through many changes in his personality, as he is influenced by various people. Pip experiences tough times as a boy and a young man. The novel starts out with Pip feeding an escapee from jail. He doesn 't know this man has escaped from jail, and feels that he must help him. Although the man threatens Pip, Pip still shows him kindness and brings him a file and some bread. He is raised by his sister, and her husband, Joe Gargery. Then Pip meets Estella, the adopted daughter of Miss Havisham, an old lady who is bitter and has an eccentric style
Bibliography: "Charles Dickens." Charles Dickens Museum London. 10 Nov. 2005 . (Charles Dickens) "Charles Dickens." The Dickens Project Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations . : Oxford Blackwell, 1975 Field, Babara Mitch, Glazer."Great Expectations." Great Expectations. 1997. Broadcast. 29 Nov 2005 . "Great Expectations." Bibliomania. Bibliomania Ltd. 10 Nov. 2005 .(Great Expectations) "Great Expectations." The Dickens Page "Great Expectations." Literature.org. 23 2005. Knowledge Matters Ltd. 10 Nov. 2005 ." " "Great Expectations." The Atlantic Online Lean, David."Great Expectations." Great Expectations. 1946. Broadcast. 29 Nov 2005 . "Reviews." Rotten Tomatoes. 10 Nov. 2005 . "The Dickens Project." Cleveland Dickens Fellowship