AP Lang
12 January 2015
The Great Gatsby Questions
1.When Fitzgerald contrasts West Egg and East Egg, he uses connotative words such as “less fashionable”, “eyesore”, and “white palaces”. He uses these words in order to highlight the difference in wealth and beauty between the two places. This gives a very polarizing effect on the reader as he imagines the two places.
2. Ten words that contribute to the impact of the last sentence of the paragraph are
“strawhaired”, “sturdy”, “hard mouth”, “supercilious manner”, “shining arrogant eyes”,
“aggressively”, “effeminate swank”, “enormous power”, “glistening boots”, and “great pack of muscle”. These words give the last sentence credibility and significance by highlighting why his body was cruel in the sentences before. The effect of the last sentence is greatly magnified by the entire paragraph.
3. The first thing Daisy says in the novel is “I’m pparalyzed with happiness.” This could mean that she is interested in Nick, so she wants to start a conversation with him. However, this could also mean that she is only just extremely excited with his appearance.
4. Because Tom Buchanan has nowhere to go in life after reaching the high point of his life in his twenties, nothing excites him anymore. Nick’s comment means that Tom always wants to nibble at anything, even if they are stale. His egotism, or love of himself, can no longer satisfy his heart and desires, so he will do anything it takes to be happy again.
5. The darkness is “unquiet” because it foreshadows a dark event in the future. Darkness is usually referred to something negative, so Fitzgerald wants to use the symbolism to have readers anticipate a bad event. Contrary to the green light in Gatsby’s dreams, the dark night is more of a discouraging sight.
6. The three most effective images with which Wilson’s character is established are valley of ashes, his turning gray from the ashes, and the author’s description of the