Jay Gatsby is a young man who rose from an impoverished childhood to become immensely wealthy. However, he achieved his opulence by participating in illegal activities, including distributing illegal alcohol and trading in stolen securities. Gatsby’s acquaintances are usually gamblers and some borderline gangsters. His close friend Meyer Wolfsheim helped him build his wealth "he's the man who fixed the World's Series back in 1919." "Fixed the World's Series?" I repeated. […] "Why isn't he in jail?" "They can't get him, old sport. He's a smart man."(4.73) Gatsby was able to ultimately achieve the American dream; however, the path he had to take to reach this goal demonstrates the corruption that lies in the roots of his wealth, in the roots of the American dream. This talent for self-invention is what gives Gatsby his quality of “greatness,” which is reminiscent of “The Great Houdini” and “The Great Blackstone,” insinuating that Gatsby’s persona is a masterful illusion, that the American dream is in fact a withering illusion.
After 1919, Gatsby dedicated himself to winning Daisy, making her the single goal of all his dreams and his main motivation. To Gatsby, Daisy represents the epitome of perfection—she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he yearned for. “"Her voice is