According to Modern World History book, In Asia during the Ming dynasty, China was in dominant power. The ruler Hongwu drove out the Mongols with a rebel army. He tried to restore agriculture, lands that were destroyed by war, increased rice production and irrigation. In order to stabilize China, Hongwu used many traditions and institutions. He became a tyrant whenever problems formed. In 1398 after Hongwu death there was problems. His son Yonglo, followed many of his father’s rules. Yonglo was a very curious man. A man named Zheng He, lead all seven voyages of exploration. Only the government was able to deal foreign trade so other would not be influences by the outside world. Silk-making and ceramics were big in China. Because of…
China is the world's most populous country, with a continuous culture stretching back nearly 4,000 years. Many of the elements that make up the foundation of the modern world originated in China, including paper, gunpowder, credit banking, the compass and paper money.…
Coal started to become used for fuel and heat especially in the cold winters of the North China plain Compasses were invented which dramitacally helped sea navigators…
Some of the positive things about China’s location was that it was separated from the rest of the world which caused very few conflicts to occur with other early civilizations. However due to this separation from other civilizations, China did not have as much influence in technology or culture from other civilizations.…
Both the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire covered a lot of territory in Eurasia. From the year 1000B.C.E. (when the first settlement on the site of Rome occurred) to 600C.E. (just after the fall of both empires) the technological advances made were astonishing. Maps, pictures, and written documents are able to portray the details of what life was like in both of these large empires. All three of these will be used to explain how more technological inventions allowed these two empires to expand their control over the land. Although the Han Dynasty and Roman Empire were both large and powerful, it was mainly due to their technological advances.…
Because of the mongols huge empire, new trade routes were opened. These trade routes helped distribute chinese technology throughout the world. Such as the magnetic compass which made it easier to sail upon a ship to the correct destination. Kublai Khan even restored the Grand Canal and extended it 135 miles north.…
During the age of exploration, the idea of exploring had affected the lives of many people. The drive to explore the unknown led to the creation of many new inventions. These inventions made exploration easier and more efficient. Some advancements were the compass and the Portolani chart, which allowed them to know where and what direction they were going. Others included the Astrolable, used for measuring latitude, and the caravel, which was a different type of sail that made the boats faster.…
There are several major Han dynasty inventions that have been famously credited to this period. These inventions have in one way or another shaped the way our world is lived in right now. The first and perhaps the most popular is the invention of the paper making process during the Han dynasty. Although historians claim that the oldest piece of wrapping paper can be traced back to the Chinese during the 2nd BCE, the process of making paper was invented during the Han period. The eunuch Cai Lun was credited for this invention. His process used mulberry bark as the main ingredient.…
Nobody will ever lose their directions with the invention of the Chinese compass. The Ancient Chinese also made porcelain and steel smelting. Chinese silk is used for clothing and is very important. The Ancient Chinese invented many great inventions for their time.…
The compass, steel, paper, the printing press, and the kite are all inventions from Ancient China. All of these inventions have a huge impact on the world today. Ancient China has had many inventions that have impacted and changed the world. The invention that has the greatest impact is gunpowder.…
Europeans have been impacted by many Chinese technologies like the compass, printing, and cannons. The compass was first invented in the Han Dynasty. During that time a compass consisted of a magnetized needle that was floated in a bowl of water on a piece of wood or suspended by a silk thread. As China was developing its largest navy, Chinese sailors used the compass for navigational purposes. The compass did not come to Europe until the 12th century AD. Europeans then used the compass to navigate through the Silk Road and trade routes. Printing was also a big advancement from the Chinese that Europe evolved. In the year 1450, a man by the name Johannes Gutenberg created the first printing press. Gutenberg used moveable metal pieces to quickly create pages. He made innovations all the way through the printing process enabling pages to be printed at a faster pace. The printing press was a dramatic improvement for Europeans. It allowed books, like the Bible, to be acquired by the middle class and spread knowledge and education like never before. Lastly, the cannon was created in the 13th century in China. The cannon was introduced to Europe via trade routes and travellers soon after it was invented. Europe saw the cannon as the perfect weapon for war because of its small size. Throughout Ancient China, Chinese technologies have not only bettered China’s advancements but have also improved Europe’s growth.…
In the many achievements of the Chinese, there is the invention of the fire arrow (doc.3). The fire arrow was used in war to protect warriors from enemies. The Mongols also invented stirrups which allowed a warrior to stand and shoot arrows behind him (doc.6). Both of these inventions influenced the Chinese value of fierceness and protection. These inventions influenced this value because warriors were able to protect and fight for their people and to do this they needed to be brave.…
Many different people, events, and inventions from china has impacted some the most important aspects of life, such as religion, politics, and war. Gunpowder was an especially important contribution of the Chinese, fueling lots of modern-day weapons and allowing fireworks to be built for celebrations. The purpose of this project is to let students know that the Chinese played an important role in shaping the world up to this…
Ancient China was one of the most complex civilizations of the early world. The ancient Chinese culture came up with many inventions to help cities and kingdoms thrive. Many of these inventions are still used today such as the compass, paper, and silk. These inventions not only helped ancient Chinese life, but ours as well. Even though they seem like a simple project, these inventions changed history.…
Compasses, maps and GPS were all used in combination together so that we could direct and navigate ourselves to our destination. Obviously the compasses were used to let us know what direction we were facing and what bearing we were taking, the maps were used so we could position and realise ourselves in relation to our destination in terms of distance, where we were and how far until we reached our intended location.…