The famed star of the play, Caesar, is well known by his country as a very strong and powerful man who does nothing but the greatest and will not…
Everyone has the power to change someone’s life. Two men had the power to change their country’s life. Both men were in positions of government and weren’t afraid to take action in their government either. Julius Caesar and Gaius Marius were two men who political impacted their government.…
Akin to the Salem Witch Trials that took place in 1692 and 1693, the assassination of the great Julius Caesar in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar appeared to be unreasonable or unjust to many of those that honor him. However, unlike the notorious Salem Witch Trials, it is clear that as light manifests itself upon the mysterious reasons in regards to why Julius Caesar was brutally murdered, it is made obvious that Julius Caesar may not have been quite the adored and honorable man that the Romans so hoped for. There was a side to the Julius Caesar that remained hidden by his graciousness and utterly generous facade. This side of the great and almighty Caesar would prove to convince and compel the very Senators that served below him, that Caesar must meet his rather “timely” demise.…
Julius Caesar was a Roman dictator. He was a liberal person and supported social programs. He reformed Rome by making the constitutional reforms. He is influential in history because he built an empire.…
There is a great debate to decide whether Caesar was a tyrant or hero. Based on the information from the passage “Killing Caesar” by Jon Herman, Caesar is more a hero then tyrant. The average citizen of Rome felt that Caesar was a blessing.…
Julius Caesar, a historical tragedy appeals to an audience fearing Elizabeth 1 imminent death without an heir and consequence civil war, religious conflict and external threats. embodies his values in distinctive, engaging, contrasting characters and their relationship with each other…
Soon after the last breaths of one of Rome’s most popular general, Julius Caesar, Antony and Brutus were speaking in front of the people of Rome. Both cunning leaders were nimble in the art of persuasion and manipulation. The beloved leaders used the Ethos, Pathos, and Logos methods of persuasion to sway the crowd to his respective view of the actions of the night and their former general Julius Caesar.…
Power is a theme that has dominated mankind since history was recorded. The assassination of Julius Caesar, ruler of the greatest empire the world has ever known, was a result of such a struggle for power. The foundations of Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar' are power relationships which dominate the liaisons between characters of opposing sex, classes, and ambitions. Even in the historical context, Rome in 44 BC, the height of the Roman Republic, predisposes the play to a complex tangle of power conflicts. As the power of prominent characters builds tension, ambitions develops, and thus manipulation arises. Struggles of authority and dominance are evident between the characters in 'Julius Caesar', through Shakespeare's…
Julius Caesar made some very important decisions within his lifetime, leading to many things to happen over the course of a few decades. Julius Caesar was born on July 100 B.C. and died, brutally on the March 15, 44 B.C. Julius Caesar was born under parents who had noble backgrounds and died during a horrific stabbing, in which people stabbed him twenty-three times. Julius Caesar, a leader of the Roman empire, made the choice to expand his empire, impacting the destiny of the nation he lead. The choice to expand, that Julius Caesar made, was so impactful to his nation, creating an impact, not only on his nation, but others, and various genres of literature can be used as a proactive tool in educating people about choices and consequences to…
“I came, I saw, I conquered” stated by Julius Caesar is one of the most well-known quotes in history. Neither Western Civilization nor the Roman Empire can be discussed without making reference to this great leader. Being a leader, Julius Caesar was continuously faced with obstacles but how he overcame them and impacted society, centuries later, is what mattered. From his personal endeavors into the political leadership role that he excelled at, Caesar got what he wanted out of any situation and was extremely influential. From Rome to Egypt and back again, Caesar never allowed for his way of thinking to be compromised and that, in turn, allowed for him to impact certain things in Western Civilization and history…
The wild west was one of America 's most violent times.The American Wild West is a period of history rife with tales of vicious gunfights and battles between lawmen and outlaws. It is the story of exploration and forging a new way of life. Men, women and children left their homes in the East and headed West looking for land and riches. While Hollywood has tended to portray this historical era as one of harshness and violence, scholars have suggested recently that much of the violence in the Old West was more myth than fact. While violence might not have been commonplace, it definitely happened, sometimes explosively. From the gunfight at the O.K. Corral to one-on-one gunslinger showdowns, history reveals that this was a dangerous time.…
Caesar was one of the most ambitious and determined men to ever rule the Roman Empire. He became a legend in his own right by defeating his highest political threat at his time, Pompey. Taking Rome by storm, Caesar marched his way to power supported by his loyal army and followers claiming his Dictatorship for life. Changes that he made during his time still remain strong in our time such as the Calendar.…
The citizens’ power to elect representatives for the Senate, originated during these leaders’ reigns. A strong President, much like a Greek king or Roman Caesar, must provide the stability and leadership required during times of crisis. While Alexander espoused democracy for the people he conquered, Julius infused western civilization into the territories he acquired. Thus combined, they provided a new form of supremacy to the people that served as a basis for many leaders. In this case, the more powerful and effective leadership is portrayed by Julius Caesar not only because of his redesign of politics, but also his advances in military and cultural achievements.…
As Cicero states: “men may construe things after their fashion”, in the midst of subjective conflicting perspectives upon a certain personality, what would you draw from it? William Shakespeare lends this thought to the audiences of his time as well as ours through the play, Julius Caesar. Was Julius Caesar really the noblest man that ever lived, an ambitious tyrant, or both? Enhanced by the personal values of Cassius and Brutus, we can discover that studying the conflicting perspectives of Caesar and his power can bring us closer to the truth of his character whilst cultivating a more diverse and provocative insight to Shakespeare’s context and audience.…
Julius Caesar was born on July 12, 100 BC in Rome. He was a great leader of the Roman Empire. Some people believe that Caesar wasn’t a great leader or man. Experts say he was greedy and a megalomaniac. They also say that he bribed the people to love him and he cheated the system. Other experts say he was a great leader because he was for the Roman people unlike previous leaders. I believe that Caesar was a great leader for the Roman people because he created reforms to help the people, created a new government, and changed the course of history.…