One cannot celebrate a man who left so little impact on the world. Have you ever heard the name Zheng He? Likely not, and with good reason. Zheng He was born Ma He, in a muslim village in southwestern China. Ma was captured during a northern chinese raid, and was forced to watch his father’s execution. He was taken shortly after, and was forced to become a eunuch under the new name Zheng He and serve the staff of the royal family. Zheng He quickly gained the trust of the emperor at the time, and rose the ranks and became a military general and advisor to the emperor. The emperor eventually gave him the task of commanding a fleet of ships down the coast of China all the way to India. Including the first, Zheng He made seven voyages total. In…
It is 1519 in Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital. An Aztec priest is holding an obsidian knife. Soon he will plunge it into his victim's’ chest, which he will rip open to remove his heart. Whenever one thinks of the Aztecs, human sacrifices come into mind. However, besides this bloody practice, the Aztecs were intelligent and resourceful. After all, they did manage to control most of Mesoamerica in less than 200 years. If anything the Aztecs should be remembered as a highly organized and ingenious civilization.…
How barbaric were the barbarians? The Mongols were a group of people that lived during the 13th century in central Asia. They expanded their empire throughout most of Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. The Barbarians were indeed barbaric. Because of their human nature, the Mongols stroke feared in the faces of many people.…
I think that the Samurai would win in a battle against a knight. While knights ad samurai have many similarities, in a one on one battle, the advantage would be to the Samurai and this can be seen in weapons, training, and their honor code…
In 1 Samuel 17, David shows how he has trust in God and he knows that he will win. In the beginning of 1 Samuel 17, no one will fight Goliath, so David steps up and says that he will. His brother told him that he was stupid thinking that he could go and kill Goliath. David told him that by the grace of God he will be able to defeat Goliath. His brother knew that he was right and got him ready to fight Goliath. Once he was ready, he approached the Philistine. Goliath told him that he was small, and that he would kill David easily. David replied, “You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of God-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel’s troops, whom you curse and mock.” (1 Samuel 17:45)…
A document that would show a Japanese elementary school from the 19th century to compare it to the normal school in doc. 2…
In the years 1865 to 1900 the United States had flourished in their industry business, giving the era the rightful name of the Industrial Revolution. During this time period thousands of submitted patents and successful inventions connected the country, brought life to cities and boosted both the Northern and Southern economy post-Civil War. This revolution made the rich like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie richer while the middle class workers like the new immigrants remained in poverty with terrible working condition. This 35 year time frame was both prosperous for some while long and grueling for others.…
In 1643, there were four New England colonies who formed a confederation and they came up with the Articles of Confederation. In 1697, William Penn brought forth a plan of union which never was implemented. Last but not least in 1754, Benjamin Franklin came up with the Albany Plan of Union. “The history of colonial efforts to cooperate or unite demonstrates that the colonies had no strong or sustainable need for a common government.” All of those plans never went into effect but that doesn't mean that they didn't want to unite. In the following paragraphs I'm going to state why I think this statement is wrong by using documents A, B, and C.…
For about a century after British colonists settled in America, they were subject to little political constriction under England’s policy of salutary neglect, but when the settlers were threatened by the French and their native American allies, the mother country stepped in and fought to protect the colonies. The war was named “The Seven Year War”. The seven year war changed the friendship between the mother country and the colonies. The change was especially in an ideological sense. The French and Indian War (1754-1763) altered the political, economical, and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies. English debt lead to unfair taxation of the colonists, and this changed the way they felt about their mother country.What was also altered was, the expansion of land in America that was once uncovered, the way the Americans strived for independence after the war, and the…
For instance, the strategic position of countries has been behind foreign policy decisions taken by the United States. Let’s go back to the Cold War, when tensions between NATO and the USSR where incredibly strong and the world was threatened by a nuclear-bomb war. During this period of time, the United States was part of a group of western allies called the NATO, which was supposedly interested only in winning the war against communism. To win the war both the NATO and the USSR established military bases near both Russia and The United States. Even thought NATOS’s interest was only winning the war, the United States’ wasn’t. The United States had national defense interests for resource possession, especially ones with great significance or uniqueness for the Cold War.…
The 1800s were a time full of growth and modernization. The geography of countries plays a big roll in their economy and the resources they can provide for themselves. The fact that Great Britain and Japan are both island nations has lead them to develop around their location and limitations.…
In conclusion, the benefits outweighed the cost in building the Great Wall of China because it protected China, allowed it to grow in many aspects, and it created a better safety system. China has many achievements which let them become rich and as impacted the world to this date. The wall allowed China to trade in the Silk Road which allowed them to gain money and other valuable materials. The Great Wall also saved many lives. None of this would have happened without the Great…
When people began sorting themselves based on language, race, and religion, it was necessary to draw lines and exclude people. The emergence of states, and the births of new religions forced societies to choose how to treat others. Despite several religion’s moral argument that outsiders were equal, many early societies failed to believe in this, and driven by fear created a permanent rift between themselves and their neighbors.…
Fifteen to sixteen years after World War Two, which was about 1960-1961 the Berlin Wall was built to separate East and West Berlin Germany. West Berlin was controlled by the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. East Berlin was controlled by the Soviet Union.…
The Civil War was the bloodiest war the United States has ever fought - killing over 620,000 Americans and causing more destruction than any other war. Long standing conflicts and disagreements made the violent war seem inevitable years before it happened, and led to it becoming a major turning point in US history. Americans have struggled with sectionalism since the colonial days, as seen in the issue of slavery and states rights, and the passing of documents and compromises such as the Articles of Confederation in an attempt to unify the colonies. During the period around the Civil War, the universal idea of manifest destiny reignited sectionalism between states because of arguments over whether to admit new lands in the West as slave or…