In the north and south walls of the Queens Chamber there are shafts, which unlike those in the Kings chamber that immediately slope upwards, are horizontal for around 6.6ft before sloping upwards. The shafts in the Queens chamber were explored in 1992 by the German engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink using a crawler robot he designed.
At the upper end of the Grand Gallery on the right hand side there is a hole near the roof that opens into a short tunnel by whi9ch access can be gained to the lowest of the Relieving Chambers. The other Relieving chambers were discovered in 1837-1838 by Colonel Howard and J.S. Perring who dug tunnels upwards using blasting power. The floor of the Grand Gallery consists of a shelf or step on either side. In the shelves there are 54 slots, 27 on each side matched by vertical and horizontal slots in the walls of the Gallery. The purpose of these slots are not