“It is only falling and then rising that man can learn. It is only through tragedy that the deepest truths can be known. All of the roads to learning begin in darkness and go out into the light.” by Hippocrates. This quote to me means that the greatest lessons are learned in though times. These lessons might be a changing point in someones life or can be a push someone needs to be successful. When I read this I thought about the tough times I’ve been through and the lessons I learned because of them.
About 12 years ago, I was pushed against a wall by the back of a truck. My injuries were so severe I was rushed to the hospital. When waiting for the ambulance I noticed that my foot was twisted. At that point I knew the situation was really bad. I also injured my lower back. The most serious injury I had was my right foot. I lost some feeling and have a damaged nerve which has caused me to walk with a limp. Due to this I were a cast on my foot that helps me walk. I spent a few months in the hospital, and many more months getting back my strength.
Coming home from the hospital was hard. It was difficult to come to terms that my life was different now. All the things I loved to do were impossible. I couldn't run, jump, skip or ride my bike. Walking and sitting are some other challenges I face daily. The hardest adjustment was going back to school. I had to go through the staring and laughing that the kids at my school gave me. Growing up I didn't have many friends. I felt so self conscious about the way I walked and what people thought about me. It wasn't till the 6th grade that I started to make some friends. Till this day I still feel embarrassed about the way I walk and what people think about me. There’s always a little voice in my head telling me people are laughing at me behind my back.
I believe and agree with Hippocrates view. Everyone has been through some type of situation where an opportunity to learn and grow has been offered. It might have been the simplest as finding out who your real friends are or not taking life or the people in your life for granted. Without any of these lessons I think life would be meanness and not worth living for. I personally have to deal with daily struggles in my life and it’s because of these struggles, I am the person I am today. I have learned not to judge anyone without knowing anything about them. I’ve learned to see the positive of any situation and I’m learning to be a better person. Most of all, I’m learning to enjoy life.