Greece gave us many things Olympic theater, advancements in science, art, great works of literature, amazing architecture, mathematics, and our first democratic government.…
Throughout history, there have been many contributions to Western civilization from the Ancient Greeks. They made long lasting contributions in the areas of art, architecture, philosophy, beliefs, religion, writings, math, drama, science, government, pottery, and Olympics, and philosophical teachings such as by Socrates or Plato. In this essay, it will be proven that the Greeks impacted western civilization immensely.…
The classical Greeks placed great importance on human intellect and thought. They were not great empire builders but the influence of their culture was felt throughout the ancient world. Philosophers came to Athens to discuss the fundamental questions that have puzzled humankind throughout the ages. They grappled with the meaning of love and the nature of government, the essence of matter and the importance of mathematics in understanding the world. So much of what the Ancient Greeks contributed to humanity can be found by examining the philosophers of the time.…
Ancient Greeks made many influential contributions to western civilization such as in the areas of philosophy, art and architecture, and math and science.…
One very important contribution Ancient Greeks had on Western culture was Democracy.The meaning of democracy in greek is "People rule" which means that the people could actually overthrow someone in higher power. Two good examples of this is the Hippocratic oath, "I will follow that which, according to my ability and judgment, I will consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is harmful," and famous speech given by the leader of Pericles given to his Athenians in about 430 B.C.E "Our plan of government favor the manu instead of the few; that is why it is called a democracy... While every citizen has an equal opportunity to serve the public, we reward our most distinguished citizens by asking them to make our political decisions...A man may serve his country no matter how low his position on the social scare."…
In conclusion, the Greek contribution in the arts, sciences, and government have contributed to modern culture. Because our modern practices have stemmed from and are directly linked to these Greek principles, we can call ourselves Hellenistic people. They have influenced our society and have helped us become culturally advanced like they once were. This shows that the Ancient Greeks have truly revolutionized the modern world and today’s Western…
Ancient Greek civilizations originated in 2000 B.C. and lasted to about 300 B.C. their culture still impacts Western civilization. Also Greeks spread their ideas all over the world. They contributed significantly with the ideas of geometry, philosophy, government, sporting events, architecture, sculpture, drama, and more. All of this came about and reached new heights during Greece’s “Golden Age”. This age lasted for about 50 years. Today all of our lives are greatly affected and influenced from the lives of Greeks.…
The Fraternity and Sorority Life Relations Office aims to foster academic success, brotherhood/sisterhood, civic engagement, and leadership within Georgia Southern University’s campus. They are open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm and is located in the Russell Union. They watch over the 37 chapters which are represented by the interfraternity council, Multicultural Greek Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and the Panhellenic Association. Membership into these organizations provides many different benefits such as: opportunities to give back to the community through community service and philanthropies, networking with alumni, providing leadership opportunities, and enhancing your academic success. Although this is a large organization, there is a…
Greek civilization, in many ways, was the most advanced population of it's time. The Greeks have created a great stir in modern day values, events, and philosophy, and they were just getting warmed up. The question, "What did the Greeks contribute to modern society", was posed, and I will begin to answer. The Greeks created a vast religious system, filled with heroes, gods, villains, monsters, and more. This has fascinated us, and has even influenced some of our brands of clothing, Nike for example (Nike being the goddess of victory). Speaking of Nike, the Olympic games were held in celebration of her, and was often seen as the main event. She was held in the hand of the statue of Athena during the games, and the olive wreaths were actually…
A way that the ancient Greeks contributed to our government is that Greece had the first known democracy. As seen in document 3 Pericles had a lot to do with democracy. Pericles had three main goals, to Strengthen Democracy, Hold strength in the empire, and to glorify Athens. Pericles said that he wanted all people to have an equal opportunity to serve the public. This period in time was known as the city’s “Golden age”. To strengthen democracy, Pericles increased the number of paid public officials. He also improved laws to be more equal to everyone. Due to democracy citizens were given freedom of speech and a voice in making laws. He let common people not just the rich participate in the government. Arts and sciences flourished, and manufacturing and trade continued to grow.…
Greece is known for its great art and architecture during the Golden Age. The Golden Age was a time period in a field of endeavor when great tasks were accomplished.The Parthenon is an example of an architecture built on the Acropolis between 447 B.C. and 432 B.C. and until now it is one of the most important and great buildings in Greece. The history and culture of Ancient Greece have been a great influence in the modern world. A lot of these influences have been very beneficial; however, some of these masteries have harmed and might keep harming the society. It is important to acknowledge, understand, and embrace the positive domination while at the same time, you should work towards strippig the western world of the negative and its…
Greece’s culture is high context, which means that for the Greek culture the meaning of messages is determined by the context or the environment. Most of their communication is implicit. The members of the culture are skilled in reading non-verbal cues. Their interactions do not need explanation because of their common history. This is the reason why Greeks will interrupt what someone is saying while they try to figure out what is means. This is a common aspect of Greek communication. Greeks tend to speak quite loudly and with a lot of emotion. At times it may appear as if they are yelling and annoyed but it is most likely a normal tone of voice. Direct eye contact is expected it is viewed as a sign of interest and respect towards the speaker.…
Contributions from ancient Greece are still influencing our society today. The ancient Greeks improved our society with great inventions, ideas, and contributions to Western civilization. The Greeks’ contributions to Western civilization have shaped our society to be what it is today. Throughout the world, societies have been fashioned differently than the society would be if the Greeks had never existed because of the Greeks’ numerous contributions. However, the most distinct contributions to Western civilization are in drama, government, and philosophy.…
Greece was without a doubt one of the most advanced societies of the Ancient World. As a result of that, they had numerous accomplishments. However, what were said accomplishments? Ancient Greece made significant achievements in the area of Philosophy, Mathematics, Science, Art, and Architecture. So, throughout this essay I will further elaborate on the nature of these accomplishments and how these accomplishments impact our society even today!…
By obtaining access to the Mediterranean Sea Greece was able to culturally diffuse ideas and move goods due to the fact that the Sea furthered communication lines. Having so many different…