These two goddesses could never get a long and were always fighting to be the better goddess. Every day they would fight by making the sun appear and disappear. Nyx would pull the sun down to make it night time, but a few moments later Hemera would pull the sun back into the sky making it day again. They could never agree on anything and they were always fighting with each other about who was the better goddess. One day, Nyx persuaded Hypnos to put Hemera a sleep. So Hypnos went to Hemera and made her sleep for two whole days. During those two days Nyx tried to show everyone how much better the night time was. When Hemera woke up she was very confused about what had happened while she was a sleep. She also very curious to why she had slept so long. She ran around to all the other gods and goddesses asking what had happened. Hypnos felt so bad for what he had done so he told Hemera everything that happened. Hemera was filled with anger. She flew up into the …show more content…
When they moved to Mount Olympus they lived in the same house and became best friends. They never fought again about who was more important because they realized that they could not be themselves without each other. There would be no day without night, and there would be no night without day. Over the years of living with each other they began to appreciate each other more and more every