As we were told when we were young children, too much of a good thing is not a good thing. The same phrase can apply to aspects in lives now. Literature shows how pride can be a good thing, but too much of it is not. In fact, the opposite of pride, humility, is an extremely important value. The Bible and Edith Hamilton’s Mythology both show how a lack of the value humility will result in consequence through characterization and plot. Within Greek mythology, the Gods constantly stress the fact mortals are not at the same level as the Gods, for example Niobe. Niobe, a mortal portraying hubris in Hamilton’s writing, believes she’s more important than Titan goddess Leto. According to Edith Hamilton, Niobe claims, “what is she
As we were told when we were young children, too much of a good thing is not a good thing. The same phrase can apply to aspects in lives now. Literature shows how pride can be a good thing, but too much of it is not. In fact, the opposite of pride, humility, is an extremely important value. The Bible and Edith Hamilton’s Mythology both show how a lack of the value humility will result in consequence through characterization and plot. Within Greek mythology, the Gods constantly stress the fact mortals are not at the same level as the Gods, for example Niobe. Niobe, a mortal portraying hubris in Hamilton’s writing, believes she’s more important than Titan goddess Leto. According to Edith Hamilton, Niobe claims, “what is she