Professor Dr Bandana Saha in her speech as Chief Gust called upon the Banks to play pioneer role in planning, evaluation and implementation of sustainable development. She praised Islami Bank for taking initiatives to create awareness on Green Banking at different tyre of employees.
>Mohammad Abdul Mannan in his Presidential Speech said that the idea of Green Banking is quite similar to the goals and objectives of Islami Bank. Since the very inception of the Bank, IBBL has been conducting diversified investment in financial upliftment of the deprived and downtrodden class of the society and development of the economy of the country as a whole for attaining welfare instead of manipulating profit. IBBL has been working as a partner of Green Banking initiative by investing in environment friendly projects and giving priority on social welfare in industrial investments.
Dr. Shah Md. Ahsan Habib in his keynote-paper focused and discussed on theoretical perspective and its multi dimension, worldwide diversified initiatives and its relevance and application in Bangladesh
Green banking is like a normal bank, which considers all the social