Sugandha Arora1 ,Mr. Kaushik R.Roy *
1College of Engineering , Roorkee, India
* College of Engineering , Roorkee, India *Email:
Abstract—Green computing is an innovative and emerging technology that aims at reducing carbon footprint. Just as walking on sand leaves a footprint, almost all our actions-from switching on the lights when you wake up in the morning to turning them off at night-leave an impact on planet’s environment. Carbon footprint basically refers to higher levels of carbon dioxide. Green computing merges ecology and technology together. The word ‘Green’ signify ecofriendly environment and ‘computing’ is related to computer and electronic devices. Computer and most of the electronic devices generate a lot of heat that leads to emission of carbon dioxide and even their disposal releases heavy metals into in the environment. Green computing deals with the efficient usage of computing resources inorder to reduce power consumption. Thus need of the hour is to adopt an eco-friendly l.ifestyle and incorporate practices of green technology at maximum.
Keywords— carbon footprint, environment, computing, e-waste minimization.
I. Introduction
Green computing is a better way to compute in order to have a guaranteed and sustainable future. Green Computing encompasses a wide variety including the study of innovative technology. Green technology also focuses at achieving economic practicality and improved system performance of computer and its related parts. Green computing is an effective approach to manage computing resources to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, which is released into the environment through electronic devices which harms our environment or rather we can say that it leaves a negative impact on our earth. Thus green technology