Green computing is turning out to be an essential part of human living nowadays. Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and its related resources. Computing can be generally defined as using the computer and its peripherals with the conservation of the environment in mind. Green computing not only has a lot of advantages,it can also be implemented by everyone once the myths about it is debunked. II. How green computing can be implemented A. Reduce power consumption of computers and peripherals 1. Power down CPU and all peripherals during extended periods of inactivity 2. Power up and power down energy-intensive peripherals according to need 3. Employ alternative energy sources 4. Reducing power consumption in notebook computers 5. Use notebook computers rather than desktop computers 6. Estimate power usage B. Choosing the right display 1. Use Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) monitors rather than Cathode Ray Tube(CRT) monitors 2. Choosing the right display size C. Conserve paper 1. Use paperless methods of communication 2. Do not print out copies of e-mail messages unless necessary 3. Use smaller font sizes and decrease spacing between lines to keep the document as few pages as possible 4. Use a printer that can print double-sided documents 5. Store information in “soft copy” rather than “hard copy” format D. Purchasing and using equipments appropriately 1. Use refillable printer toner cartridges 2. Determine whether the existing equipment can be upgraded rather than being replaced by a new one 3. Request recycled or recyclable packaging from equipment vendors 4. Try to buy energy efficient products 5. Reducing toxicity III. Who can implement green computing A. Schools 1. Advantages a) Reduce energy consumption b) Save on their power bill c) Extend their budget d) Help save the
Green computing is turning out to be an essential part of human living nowadays. Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and its related resources. Computing can be generally defined as using the computer and its peripherals with the conservation of the environment in mind. Green computing not only has a lot of advantages,it can also be implemented by everyone once the myths about it is debunked. II. How green computing can be implemented A. Reduce power consumption of computers and peripherals 1. Power down CPU and all peripherals during extended periods of inactivity 2. Power up and power down energy-intensive peripherals according to need 3. Employ alternative energy sources 4. Reducing power consumption in notebook computers 5. Use notebook computers rather than desktop computers 6. Estimate power usage B. Choosing the right display 1. Use Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) monitors rather than Cathode Ray Tube(CRT) monitors 2. Choosing the right display size C. Conserve paper 1. Use paperless methods of communication 2. Do not print out copies of e-mail messages unless necessary 3. Use smaller font sizes and decrease spacing between lines to keep the document as few pages as possible 4. Use a printer that can print double-sided documents 5. Store information in “soft copy” rather than “hard copy” format D. Purchasing and using equipments appropriately 1. Use refillable printer toner cartridges 2. Determine whether the existing equipment can be upgraded rather than being replaced by a new one 3. Request recycled or recyclable packaging from equipment vendors 4. Try to buy energy efficient products 5. Reducing toxicity III. Who can implement green computing A. Schools 1. Advantages a) Reduce energy consumption b) Save on their power bill c) Extend their budget d) Help save the