According to “One of these genes is called HERC2.
It comes in two variations, brown and blue. The other gene, called gey, also comes in two versions -- green and blue.” Therefore, one gene is passed down by one parent and the other gene is passed down by the other. According to this diagram one brown gene and one green or blue gene will result in brown eyes. One blue eye gene and one green eye gene will result in green eyes. The only time an offspring has blue eyes is when both genes that passed down are blue. In conclusion, brown is dominant over green and blue, while green is dominant over
In a stemscopedia article it states, “Dominant alleles “dominate” over recessive alleles. Therefore, if a dominant allele is present, it will automatically determine that individual’s phenotype. For a recessive trait to be shown, both parents need to give the recessive allele.” This excerpt demonstrates that the dominant trait is the one that is passed down onto the offspring. Since 50% of the genes come from one parent, that parent will pass down one allele for eye color and the other will pass down their allele. The parents pass down their dominant allele to the offspring. Then, whichever is the dominant eye color between the pair of eye color genes will be the one determining the offspring’s eye color.
One can come to the conclusion that the mother will pass a green eye gene to the offspring. As the table showed, green eyes dominate blue eyes. One is informed that the mother has a green eye gene and a blue eye gene. Every time a blue eye gene is passed down with a green eye gene the offspring has green eyes because green eyes is dominant. The dominant gene between the two genes a parent has is the one that is passed down to the offspring. Since the mother’s dominant gene is green eyes she will pass down the green eye gene. The mother would not be able to pass down the blue eye gene because a blue eye gene is a recessive trait, that meaning that blue eye genes are “weaker” compared to green and brown eye genes. Therefore, the mother will pass down the green eye gene. Furthermore, the offspring will end up having one green eye gene from the mother and one brown eye gene from the father.
In conclusion, whether a gene is dominant or recessive determines the phenotype of an organism. During sexual reproduction each parent provides 50% of the genes for the offspring. The gene that is passed down to the offspring is the parents dominant gene. Once a gene from each parent is passed down the phenotype is determined. The dominant gene between the two genes passed down is the final trait of the offspring.