“I was in the library trying to write a 2000 word essay when I realized my facebook habit had got out of hand. I couldn’t resist going online. You do that, then someone’s photo catches your eyes. Before you know it, a couple you know it, a couple of minutes have turned into a couple of hours and you haven’t written a thing.”
These are the word of daisy jones, a 31 year old undergraduate from Loughborough University, UK. Daisy deactivated her facebook account when she became concerned about the impact her frequent visits to the social networking site was having on her studies (Leake & Warren, 2009). A 2009 study by Karpinki and Duberstein seems to confirm Daisy’s fears : according to the researchers, American college students who use the 750 million-member social network have significantly lower grade-point averages (GPAs) than those who do not (cited in Hamilton, 2009). After conducting a survey of 219 undergraduate and graduate students, the researchers found that the GPAs of facebook users typically ranged a full grade poin lower than those of non-users – 3.0 to 3.5 for users versus 3.5 to 4.0 for their non-networking peers (cited in Hamilton, 2009). Yet despite this evidence to suggest that facebook users are at risk of performing less well in their studies, there are those who dispute the conclusions drawn from these findings and argue that more research into all aspect of the social networking phenomenon are needed before such pronouncement can be made.
NOTA : ayat merah ni adalah thesis statement. Thesis statement mesti LETAK dalam ayat terakhir dalam perenggan introduction. So untuk tajuk abang, thesis statement adalah
This paper will discuss how green innovations can solve the problem of students life style in ums colleges and bring three advantages namely economics, healthy and clean environment.