Group 2
Gaamil, Ria Girl
Oliguer, Katherin
Yosores, Czarissa Gayle
Ampong, Febe Gift
Table of Contents
Problem Statement
Alternative evaluation
Situation audit / Background
The new products division of Palmer Jackson, Inc., a Cincinnati-based food and beverages manufacturer, successfully perfect a technique for dissolving common antioxidants such as Vitamin E and Selenium into high-glucose beverages. As a result a new line of sports beverages with added benefit of antioxidants occur. Palmer Jackson hired AccuityBrand, a brand consultancy specializing in developing product names and logos, to name and develop creative packaging for this new product. The new beverage was named Green Ox, and after a short discussion with management, the name was approved. Now that the name Green Ox was approved by the management Palmer Jackson needed to make several important decisions about the introduction of the new product. Palmer Jackson hired Marketing Studies Incorporated (MSI), a well-respected marketing research firm, to work on this product and to provide some basic competitive intelligence. Management believed the main competitors of Green Ox were recognized sports drinks and some vegetable juices, most particularly V7 and surprisingly strong interest among those who currently purchase antioxidants in pill form. Research conducted by MSI that up to10% of the people who purchased antioxidants in pill form would be interested in obtaining these vitamins and minerals from beverage rather than a pill.
The objective of this case is to make a new beverage to compare it to the other old beverages that track record of successful sales in other channels. This is to test whether the new product is more efficient than the others. Where, the Green Ox successfully perfected a technique to dissolve common antioxidants into high-glucose beverage
The campaign we want