The green industry has become popular in recent years. With an increase in the public’s environmental awareness, the trend of organic food consumption is moving into the market mainstream. Most people in developed countries regard environmental protection as an important factor in purchase decisions. Most companies offer organic products to meet and satisfy consumer requirements and conduct green marketing initiatives to drive green consumption. For last three Decades Green marketing has been a vital academic research topic.
Green consumers have become an energetic force behind how companies do business, and these environmental friendly customers are creating a new economy around the globe. In addition to green marketing and innovation aspects, there are the between-antecedent mediator variables and consequence variables such as purchase intention. Consumer perception of product price is an indicator of perceived quality and perceived sacrifice, and perceived value can be obtained by comparing the perceived quality and perceived sacrifice. This perceived value affects purchase intention. On the other hand, higher perceived risk will hinder consumers’ purchase intention? In light of the above, this study aims to investigate the impact of green marketing awareness and perceived innovation of green products on purchase intention.At the same time, the perceived factors, including perceived trust, perceived attitude, perceived risk, perceived intention and perceived value are all used as mediator variables to establish a full relationship model.
The question is that what relation is there connecting green purchase intention among green perceived value, green perceived risk and trust? Green marketing policy of the firm to get a competitive environment to consider the price of their products and their products should enhance the price as low risk. Organic products and plans to purchase additional market are accepted organic products are more popular in
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