There are different types of computer storage devices which are used.using these storage devices will ensure that the storage space on the computer hard drive is left free......
A storage device is necessary for recording data. One of the most important tasks performed by computers is storing data. Different types of devices are used to store data. The data stored is stores in digital forms. There are three types of data storage, namely primary data storage, secondary storage devices and tertiary storage devices. The classification of computer storage devices is made based on the task performed by the device. The primary storage device is commonly called random access memory, while the secondary storage device is the hard disk. The tertiary storage devices are removable mass storage devices. While the amount of data stored on the primary is less and is volatile in nature, while the secondary storage device have better storage space and also is non volatile in nature. Let's see the data storage types
Primary Computer Storage
The primary storage devices for computers are actually a part of the computer's memory. We have previously used the terms like RAM and ROM, but may not have know what they are exactly. They are the Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM).
Random Access Memory:
The Random Access Memory is used for storing information temporarily. When the computer is switched off, the information on the RAM is wiped off. The access rate of RAM is much higher. They are more expensive than the other types of primary storage devices.
Read Only Memory:
It is used to permanently store data. Data can be stored on ROM, either when the computer is being manufactured or by the computer user. However, the disadvantage of this type of memory is that the data stored on ROM cannot be changed. The access rate necessary to get to the memory is much lesser as compared to the access