Green Technology
Green technology can be defined as any technology that is friendly to the environment; it may also be called clean technology. The field of "green technology" encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products(Green Technology 2010) Green technology can be found almost anywhere and some examples of green technology are, green energy, green building, green chemistry, and green nanotechnology. Green energy can be any alternative fuel, creating energy and energy efficiency this can be anything from wind turbines to solar energy. Green building can be any kind of structure that is built or renovated with the environment in mind. Green chemistry means that it can be any kind of chemical substance that reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous material. An example of green chemistry is bio pesticides. Green nanotechnology is the technology that is being used to develop the clean technologies that minimize the human health and potential environmental risks. Green energy can be any alternative fuel, creating energy, and energy efficiency. This is a good moment to consider the meaning of renewable energy a little more carefully. It implies energy that is sustainable in the sense of being available in the long term without significantly depleting the Earth’s capital resources, or causing environmental damage that cannot readily be repaired by nature itself ( Lynn, P. 2011). Some examples of green energy are wind turbines, Biomass, Hydroelectric, Geothermal, and Solar. Wind turbines are used for creating energy by using wind. Creating energy from wind has been done for years. In ancient times they used wind power for the propels for their sailboats. But the wind power originated from Persia for grinding wheat. In 1880 the first wind turbine was built specifically for generating electricity in Cleveland, Ohio and it operated for 12 years. Some advantages about wind turbines are that
References: Lynn, Paul. A. 2011 Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy : An Introduction Retrieved from