April 13, 2015
Linda Emmele
Organizational Ethics
One significant topic of discussion among various organizations is how organizational issues are being confronted by ethical principles. There are many ways that ethical principles can be applied that will strengthen the overall structure of an organization. Employees value an organization built on moral and ethical principles. This paper concentrates on the company, Greyston Bakery of Yonkers, New York and what role external social pressures have in influencing the organizational ethics of the company. Also, we will consider the relevance of these issues to personal and organizational decisions while comparing the relationship between legal …show more content…
Spreading moral knowledge and instruction is vital for an organization to have a strong, aligned ethics culture (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). The bakery’s first organizational issue is its open-hire policy. The policy was established by the Greyston Bakery that hire’s poor and debilitated individuals. This program is special because it allows the Bakery to offer second chances to those with a criminal history which further assists their families. The program offers training where new applicants will be taught skills that will grant enhancement to their overall …show more content…
Customer opinion and word of mouth can have an impact on the success and reputation of company and reputation can affect its financial stability. In the past, it was society and government that had the most influence. Yet, in recent studies, a business operating in a commitment to deliver excellence, believes in change, and conducts admirable corporate citizenship in the community gains the alliance of the people (Liberty Mutual, 2010). A code of ethics is a necessary element of an organizational structure because it helps stabilize the interest and rights of shareholders involved (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). The programs implemented by Greyston Bakery require unyielding principles that lead behavioral choices. Employees that conform to Greyston’s code of ethics boost the likelihood for additional funding and support of other programs (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). The Unites States government regulates the organization by tax and environmental hazard regulations. The company pays taxes while profits can continue to support development of the community (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). External social pressures govern the organization by monitoring its functions and ensuring that they continue to work in line with their code of